Grand Theft Bank

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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Объявление struct Item; void sortItems(struct Item* items, int itemsCount); void printItems(struct Item* items, int itemsCount); void printItem(struct Item item); void robTheBank(struct Item* items, int itemsCount, float bagMaxWeight, float totalMaxWeight, int walksCount); // Реализация struct Item { char name[30]; float weight; float value; int count; }; void sortItems(struct Item* items, int itemsCount) { struct Item temporaryItem; float valuePerKg; for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { valuePerKg = items[i].value / items[i].weight; for (int j = i + 1; j < itemsCount; j++) { if (items[j].value / items[j].weight > valuePerKg) { temporaryItem = items[j]; items[j] = items[i]; items[i] = temporaryItem; } } } } void printItems(struct Item* items, int itemsCount) { for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { printItem(items[i]); } } void printItem(struct Item item) { printf("%s: %.2fkg %.2f$ (%d left)\n",, item.weight, item.value, item.count); } void robTheBank(struct Item* items, int itemsCount, float bagMaxWeight, float totalMaxWeight, int walksCount) { float bagWeight = 0.0; float totalWeight = 0.0; float bagWeightAfter; float totalWeightAfter; for (int walk = 0; walk < walksCount; walk++) { for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; items[i].count > 0; j++) { bagWeightAfter = bagWeight + items[i].weight; totalWeightAfter = totalWeight + bagWeightAfter; if (bagWeightAfter <= bagMaxWeight && totalWeightAfter <= totalMaxWeight) { bagWeight += items[i].weight; items[i].count--; printf("Item picked: "); printItem(items[i]); } else { break; } } } if (bagWeight == 0.0) { printf("Nothing to do else, imma gettin my ass out of there.\n"); break; } else { printf("Bag packed, %.2fkg\n\n", bagWeight); totalWeight += bagWeight; bagWeight = 0.0; } } printf("Bank robbed, %.2fkg total.\n", totalWeight); } int main() { // Исходные данные /* 3 Platinum 1.2 180.0 5 Gold 1.0 230.0 4 Silver 0.6 34.0 10 15.0 5.0 10 */ int itemsCount; printf("Type items count:\n"); scanf("%d", &itemsCount); struct Item items[itemsCount]; printf("Type items attributes, dividing each attribute by space\n"); printf("Name(string) Weight(float) Value(float) Count(int)\n"); for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { struct Item item; char name[30]; float weight, value; int count; scanf("%s %f %f %d", &name, &weight, &value, &count); for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) {[j] = name[j]; } item.weight = weight; item.value = value; item.count = count; items[i] = item; } float totalMaxWeight = 15.0; float bagMaxWeight = 5.0; int walksCount = 5; printf("Type total max weight, one bag weight and walks count:\n"); printf("TotalMaxWeight(float) BagMaxWeight(float) WalksCount(int)\n"); scanf("%f %f %d", &totalMaxWeight, &bagMaxWeight, &walksCount); printf("\nBank contains:\n"); sortItems(items, itemsCount); printItems(items, itemsCount); printf("\n"); robTheBank(items, itemsCount, bagMaxWeight, totalMaxWeight, walksCount); return 0; }
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