kv string to map

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console.log("Hello World!"); function toMap(str){ var ret = {}, len = 0; if(str === undefined || (len = str.length) === 0){ return ret; } if(getType(str[0]) != 1) throw Error("字符串应以字母开头"); var k = "",v = ""; var hasK = false,hasV = false; for(var i=0; i<len; i++){ var ch = str.charAt(i),type = getType(ch); if(type === 1){//letter if(!hasK) hasK = true; reset(); k += ch; }else if(type === 2){ if(!hasV) hasV = true; v += ch; }else throw Error("非法字符") } if(!hasK || !hasV) throw Error("缺少key或value"); reset(); // reset related state if find both k and v; function reset(cb){ if(hasK && hasV){ ret[k] = v; hasK = false; hasV = false; k = ""; v = ""; } } function getType(ch){ if('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') return 1; if('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') return 2; return 0; } return ret; } // test console.time("ElapsedTime"); console.log(toMap("abcd1sdfs2xyz3")); console.timeEnd("ElapsedTime"); // 非字母开头将会报错 // console.time("ElapsedTime"); // console.log(toMap("111abcd1sdfs2xyz3")); // console.timeEnd("ElapsedTime");
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