Talk language extensions v0.2

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Run Command
use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; my $file = slurp ''; my @Extensions = []; sub Parse-Extension(\file, $ext is copy) { my @r; my $Pattern = ($ext ~~ /^^Find':'\s*(.+?)[^^Replace':']/)[0].Str; my $Replace = ($ext ~~ /^^Replace':'\s?(\N+)/)[0].Str; $Pattern ~~ s:m:g/\n\h*//; EVAL 'file ~~ s:g/' ~ $Pattern ~ '/' ~ $Replace ~ '/'; } for $file.lines -> $line { given $line { when /^'#:'Extend\swith\s(\N+?)$/ { push @Extensions, slurp "$0" } } } for @Extensions -> $ext { Parse-Extension $file, $ext; } say $file; #my $s = 'a is [ say [ 1 + 2 ] and ] then [a and b]'; #$s ~~ s:g/'[' ~ ']' (.+?)/<:$0:>/; #say $s
#:Extend with extension.sme #:Extend with make-var.sme make a be 1 if a is in <1 2 3> or a is in <4 5 6> say true end
Find: (<[\w\-]>+) [\sis\s+in\s+] (.+?) (and||or||$$) Replace: $0 ~~ one $1$2
Find: ^^make\s+ (.+?) \s+be\s+ (\N+) Replace: my \\$0 = my \$$0 = $1;
Editor Settings
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