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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; class MainClass { static void Main() { string val; int i = new int(); int o = new int(); Console.WriteLine( "How many number(s) would you like to input?" ); val = Console.ReadLine(); i = Convert.ToInt32(val); Console.WriteLine( "{0} Numbers. OK", i ); int[] arrayI = new int[i]; for ( int maxI = 0; maxI < i; maxI++ ) { Console.WriteLine( "Please input the {0} number:", maxI+1 ); val = Console.ReadLine(); arrayI[maxI] = Convert.ToInt32(val); Console.WriteLine( "{0}. OK", arrayI[maxI] ); } o = arrayI[0]; for ( int maxI = 1; maxI < i; maxI++ ) { if( o - arrayI[maxI] < 0 ) { o = arrayI[maxI]; } } Console.WriteLine("[ {0} ], ", o); } }
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