Topological Sort

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# Python program to print topological sorting of a DAG from collections import defaultdict # Class to represent a graph class Graph: def __init__(self, vertices): self.graph = defaultdict(list) # dictionary containing adjacency List self.V = vertices # No. of vertices # function to add an edge to graph def addEdge(self, u, v): self.graph[u].append(v) # A recursive function used by topologicalSort def topologicalSortUtil(self, v, visited, stack): # Mark the current node as visited. visited[v] = True # Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex for i in self.graph[v]: if visited[i] == False: self.topologicalSortUtil(i, visited, stack) # Push current vertex to stack which stores result stack.append(v) # The function to do Topological Sort. It uses recursive # topologicalSortUtil() def topologicalSort(self): # Mark all the vertices as not visited visited = [False]*self.V stack = [] # Call the recursive helper function to store Topological # Sort starting from all vertices one by one for i in range(self.V): if visited[i] == False: self.topologicalSortUtil(i, visited, stack) # Print contents of the stack print(stack[::-1]) # return list in reverse order # Driver Code if __name__ == '__main__': g = Graph(6) g.addEdge(5, 2) g.addEdge(5, 0) g.addEdge(4, 0) g.addEdge(4, 1) g.addEdge(2, 3) g.addEdge(3, 1) print("Following is a Topological Sort of the given graph") # Function Call g.topologicalSort() """ Time Complexity: O(V+E). The above algorithm is simply DFS with an extra stack. So time complexity is the same as DFS Auxiliary space: O(V). The extra space is needed for the stack """
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