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getgenv().require = newcclosure( function(module) local identity = getthreadidentity() setthreadidentity(2) local data = {pcall(o_require, module)} setthreadidentity(identity) if (data[1] == false) then error(data[2], 0) return nil end return data[2] end ) getgenv().getscripthash = function(Script) return Script:GetHash() end getgenv().getinstances = function() local Table = {} for i, v in next, getreg() do if type(v) == "table" then for n, c in next, v do if typeof(c) == "Instance" then table.insert(Table, c) end end end end return Table end getgenv().getnilinstances = function() local Ret = {} for i, v in next, getinstances() do if v.Parent == nil then Ret[#Ret + 1] = v end end return Ret end getgenv().getloadedmodules = function() local Ret = {} for _, v in next, getinstances() do if (v:IsA("ModuleScript")) then Ret[#Ret + 1] = v end end return Ret end getgenv().isnetworkowner = function(Part) return (Part:GetNetworkOwner() == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer) end getgenv().getconnections = function(a1) local Temp = a1:Connect( function() end ) local Signals = getothersignals(Temp) for i, v in pairs(Signals) do Signals[i] = setmetatable(v, MT) end Temp:Disconnect() return Signals end getgenv().fireproximityprompt = function(Obj, Amount, Skip) if Obj.ClassName == "ProximityPrompt" then Amount = Amount or 1 local PromptTime = Obj.HoldDuration if Skip then Obj.HoldDuration = 0 end for i = 1, Amount do Obj:InputHoldBegin() if not Skip then wait(Obj.HoldDuration) end Obj:InputHoldEnd() end Obj.HoldDuration = PromptTime else error("userdata<ProximityPrompt> expected") end end getgenv().firesignal = function(Signal, ...) assert(Signal, "Signal Request") for _, v in pairs(getconnections(Signal)) do v.Function(...) end end getgenv().firetouchinterest = function(a1, a2, Mode) if Mode == 0 then for _, v in pairs(getconnections(a2.Touched)) do v.Function(a1) end end end local function lookupify(t) local _t = {} for k, v in t do _t[v] = true end return _t end local AllowedMethods = lookupify { "__index", "__namecall", "__newindex", "__call", "__concat", "__unm", "__add", "__sub", "__mul", "__div", "__pow", "__mod", "__tostring", "__eq", "__lt", "__le", "__gc", "__len" } getgenv().hookmetamethod = newcclosure( function(ud, method, fn) assert(ud ~= nil, "invalid argument #1 (object expected)", 0) assert(typeof(method) == "string", "invalid argument #2 (string expected)", 0) assert(typeof(fn) == "function", "invalid argument #3 (function expected)", 0) assert(AllowedMethods[method], "invalid argument #2 (function mode expected)", 0) local gmt = getrawmetatable(ud) local old_fn = rawget(gmt, method) if (old_fn == nil and type(old_fn) ~= "function") then return end setreadonly(gmt, false) rawset(gmt, method, (islclosure(fn) and newcclosure(fn) or fn)) setreadonly(gmt, true) return old_fn end ) getgenv().GetObjects = newcclosure( function(Id) return {game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadLocalAsset(Id)} end ) getgenv().get_nil_instances = getgenv().getnilinstances local Keywords = { "OpenScreenshotsFolder", "OpenVideosFolder", "ReportAbuse", "GetMessageId", "Publish", "OpenBrowserWindow", "ExecuteJavaScript", "GetRobuxBalance", "PerformPurchase" } local Metatable = getrawmetatable(game) local Game = game local OldMetatable = Metatable.__namecall -- Namecall setreadonly(Metatable, false) Metatable.__namecall = function(Self, ...) local Method = getnamecallmethod() if Method == "HttpGet" or Method == "HttpGetAsync" then return HttpGet(...) elseif Method == "GetObjects" then return GetObjects(...) end if table.find(Keywords, getnamecallmethod()) then return "Attempt to call protected function" end return OldMetatable(Self, ...) end local OldIndex = Metatable.__index -- Index setreadonly(Metatable, false) Metatable.__index = function(Self, i) if Self == game then if i == "HttpGet" or i == "HttpGetAsync" then return HttpGet elseif i == "GetObjects" then return GetObjects end end if table.find(Keywords, i) then return "Attempt to call protected function" end return OldIndex(Self, i) end game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore( "SendNotification", { Title = "Novaline", Text = string.format( "Hello, %s. Welcome to Novaline!\nCreated by SirWeeb and mcdonaghethan.", game["Players"]["LocalPlayer"]["DisplayName"] ), Duration = 5 } ) loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() -- Decompiler -- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() -- SaveInstance local lz4 = {} --[[ type Streamer = { Offset: number, Source: string, Length: number, IsFinished: boolean, LastUnreadBytes: number, read: (Streamer, len: number?, shiftOffset: boolean?) -> string, seek: (Streamer, len: number) -> (), append: (Streamer, newData: string) -> (), toEnd: (Streamer) -> () } type BlockData = { [number]: { Literal: string, LiteralLength: number, MatchOffset: number?, MatchLength: number? } } ]] local function plainFind(str, pat) return string.find(str, pat, 0, true) end local function streamer(str) -- : Streamer local Stream = {} Stream.Offset = 0 Stream.Source = str Stream.Length = string.len(str) Stream.IsFinished = false Stream.LastUnreadBytes = 0 function, len, shift) -- : string local len = len or 1 local shift = (shift ~= nil and shift) or true local dat = string.sub(self.Source, self.Offset + 1, self.Offset + len) local dataLength = string.len(dat) local unreadBytes = len - dataLength if shift then self:seek(len) end self.LastUnreadBytes = unreadBytes return dat end function, len) local len = len or 1 self.Offset = math.clamp(self.Offset + len, 0, self.Length) self.IsFinished = self.Offset >= self.Length end function Stream.append(self, newData) -- adds new data to the end of a stream self.Source = self.Source .. newData self.Length = string.len(self.Source) self:seek(0) --hacky but forces a recalculation of the isFinished flag end function Stream.toEnd(self) self:seek(self.Length) end return Stream end getgenv().lz4compress = function(str) -- : string local blocks = {} -- : BlockData local iostream = streamer(str) if iostream.Length > 12 then local firstFour = iostream:read(4) local processed = firstFour local lit = firstFour local match = "" local LiteralPushValue = "" local pushToLiteral = true repeat pushToLiteral = true local nextByte = iostream:read() if plainFind(processed, nextByte) then local next3 = iostream:read(3, false) if string.len(next3) < 3 then --push bytes to literal block then break LiteralPushValue = nextByte .. next3 iostream:seek(3) else match = nextByte .. next3 local matchPos = plainFind(processed, match) if matchPos then iostream:seek(3) repeat local nextMatchByte = iostream:read(1, false) local newResult = match .. nextMatchByte local repos = plainFind(processed, newResult) if repos then match = newResult matchPos = repos iostream:seek(1) end until not plainFind(processed, newResult) or iostream.IsFinished local matchLen = string.len(match) local pushMatch = true if iostream.Length - iostream.Offset <= 5 then LiteralPushValue = match pushMatch = false --better safe here, dont bother pushing to match ever end if pushMatch then pushToLiteral = false -- gets the position from the end of processed, then slaps it onto processed local realPosition = string.len(processed) - matchPos processed = processed .. match table.insert( blocks, { Literal = lit, LiteralLength = string.len(lit), MatchOffset = realPosition + 1, MatchLength = matchLen } ) lit = "" end else LiteralPushValue = nextByte end end else LiteralPushValue = nextByte end if pushToLiteral then lit = lit .. LiteralPushValue processed = processed .. nextByte end until iostream.IsFinished table.insert( blocks, { Literal = lit, LiteralLength = string.len(lit) } ) else local str = iostream.Source blocks[1] = { Literal = str, LiteralLength = string.len(str) } end -- generate the output chunk -- %s is for adding header local output = string.rep("\x00", 4) local function write(char) output = output .. char end -- begin working through chunks for chunkNum, chunk in blocks do local litLen = chunk.LiteralLength local matLen = (chunk.MatchLength or 4) - 4 -- create token local tokenLit = math.clamp(litLen, 0, 15) local tokenMat = math.clamp(matLen, 0, 15) local token = bit32.lshift(tokenLit, 4) + tokenMat write(string.pack("<I1", token)) if litLen >= 15 then litLen = litLen - 15 --begin packing extra bytes repeat local nextToken = math.clamp(litLen, 0, 0xFF) write(string.pack("<I1", nextToken)) if nextToken == 0xFF then litLen = litLen - 255 end until nextToken < 0xFF end -- push raw lit data write(chunk.Literal) if chunkNum ~= #blocks then -- push offset as u16 write(string.pack("<I2", chunk.MatchOffset)) -- pack extra match bytes if matLen >= 15 then matLen = matLen - 15 repeat local nextToken = math.clamp(matLen, 0, 0xFF) write(string.pack("<I1", nextToken)) if nextToken == 0xFF then matLen = matLen - 255 end until nextToken < 0xFF end end end --append chunks local compLen = string.len(output) - 4 local decompLen = iostream.Length return string.pack("<I4", compLen) .. string.pack("<I4", decompLen) .. output end getgenv().lz4decompress = function(lz4data) -- : string local inputStream = streamer(lz4data) local compressedLen = string.unpack("<I4", inputStream:read(4)) local decompressedLen = string.unpack("<I4", inputStream:read(4)) local reserved = string.unpack("<I4", inputStream:read(4)) if compressedLen == 0 then return inputStream:read(decompressedLen) end local outputStream = streamer("") repeat local token = string.byte(inputStream:read()) local litLen = bit32.rshift(token, 4) local matLen =, 15) + 4 if litLen >= 15 then repeat local nextByte = string.byte(inputStream:read()) litLen = litLen + nextByte until nextByte ~= 0xFF end local literal = inputStream:read(litLen) outputStream:append(literal) outputStream:toEnd() if outputStream.Length < decompressedLen then --match local offset = string.unpack("<I2", inputStream:read(2)) if matLen >= 19 then repeat local nextByte = string.byte(inputStream:read()) matLen = matLen + nextByte until nextByte ~= 0xFF end outputStream:seek(-offset) local pos = outputStream.Offset local match = outputStream:read(matLen) local unreadBytes = outputStream.LastUnreadBytes local extra if unreadBytes then repeat outputStream.Offset = pos extra = outputStream:read(unreadBytes) unreadBytes = outputStream.LastUnreadBytes match = match .. extra until unreadBytes <= 0 end outputStream:append(match) outputStream:toEnd() end until outputStream.Length >= decompressedLen return outputStream.Source end return lz4
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