
Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
local function fetchAPI() local api local s,e = pcall(function() local version = game:HttpGet("",true) local rawApi = game:HttpGet(""..version.."-API-Dump.json",true) api = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(rawApi) end) if not s then warn("API Fail") return end local classes,enums = {},{} for _,class in pairs(api.Classes) do local newClass = {} newClass.Name = class.Name newClass.Superclass = class.Superclass newClass.Properties = {} newClass.Functions = {} newClass.Events = {} newClass.Callbacks = {} newClass.Tags = {} if class.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(class.Tags) do newClass.Tags[tag] = true end end for __,member in pairs(class.Members) do local mType = member.MemberType if mType == "Property" then local newProp = {} newProp.Name = member.Name newProp.Class = class.Name newProp.ValueType = member.ValueType.Name newProp.Category = member.Category newProp.Serialization = member.Serialization newProp.Tags = {} if member.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(member.Tags) do newProp.Tags[tag] = true end end table.insert(newClass.Properties,newProp) elseif mType == "Function" then local newFunc = {} newFunc.Name = member.Name newFunc.Class = class.Name newFunc.Parameters = {} newFunc.ReturnType = member.ReturnType.Name newFunc.Tags = {} for c,param in pairs(member.Parameters) do table.insert(newFunc.Parameters,{Name = param.Name, Type = param.Type.Name}) end if member.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(member.Tags) do newFunc.Tags[tag] = true end end table.insert(newClass.Functions,newFunc) elseif mType == "Event" then local newEvent = {} newEvent.Name = member.Name newEvent.Class = class.Name newEvent.Parameters = {} newEvent.Tags = {} for c,param in pairs(member.Parameters) do table.insert(newEvent.Parameters,{Name = param.Name, Type = param.Type.Name}) end if member.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(member.Tags) do newEvent.Tags[tag] = true end end table.insert(newClass.Events,newEvent) end end classes[class.Name] = newClass end for _,enum in pairs(api.Enums) do local newEnum = {} newEnum.Name = enum.Name newEnum.Items = {} newEnum.Tags = {} if enum.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(enum.Tags) do newEnum.Tags[tag] = true end end for __,item in pairs(enum.Items) do local newItem = {} newItem.Name = item.Name newItem.Value = item.Value table.insert(newEnum.Items,newItem) end enums[enum.Name] = newEnum end local function getMember(class,member) if not classes[class] or not classes[class][member] then return end local result = {} local currentClass = classes[class] while currentClass do for _,entry in pairs(currentClass[member]) do table.insert(result,entry) end currentClass = classes[currentClass.Superclass] end table.sort(result,function(a,b) return a.Name < b.Name end) return result end return { Classes = classes, Enums = enums, GetMember = getMember } end -- Dex Serializer Module local function SerializerModule() -- Modules local Serializer,API -- Un-init local _writefile,_getnilinstances,oldIndex,classes,enums -- Rest local t_ins,t_concat = table.insert,table.concat local buffer = {} local refCount = 0 local getChildren ="Part").GetChildren local toDecompile = {} local saveFilter = {} local instDir = {} local elyFuncs = false local xmlReplace = { ["'"] = "&apos;", ["\""] = "&quot;", ["<"] = "&lt;", [">"] = "&gt;", ["&"] = "&amp;" } local propBypass = { ["BasePart"] = { ["Size"] = true, ["Color"] = true, }, ["Part"] = { ["Shape"] = true }, ["Fire"] = { ["Heat"] = true, ["Size"] = true, }, ["Smoke"] = { ["Opacity"] = true, ["RiseVelocity"] = true, ["Size"] = true, }, ["DoubleConstrainedValue"] = { ["Value"] = true }, ["IntConstrainedValue"] = { ["Value"] = true }, ["TrussPart"] = { ["Style"] = true } } local propFilter = { ["BaseScript"] = { ["LinkedSource"] = true }, ["ModuleScript"] = { ["LinkedSource"] = true }, ["Players"] = { ["CharacterAutoLoads"] = true } } local sProps = setmetatable({},{__index = function(self,class) local props = {} local apiProps = API.GetMember(class,"Properties") or {} for i,v in pairs(apiProps) do if (v.Serialization.CanSave and not v.Tags.NotScriptable) or (propBypass[v.Class] and propBypass[v.Class][v.Name]) then if not propFilter[v.Class] or not propFilter[v.Class][v.Name] then local s,e = pcall(function() local exist = instDir[class][v.Name] end) if s then table.insert(props,v) end end end end self[class] = props return props end}) local testInsts = setmetatable({},{__index = function(self,class) local s,testInst = pcall(function() return end) local testInstTable = {} if testInst then for i,v in pairs(sProps[class]) do testInstTable[v.Name] = testInst[v.Name] end end self[class] = testInstTable return testInstTable end}) local refMt = {__index = function(self,inst) if not inst then return "" end refCount = refCount + 1 self[inst] = refCount return refCount end} local refs = setmetatable({},refMt) local valueHandlers = { ["bool"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<bool name="''">'..tostring(val)..'</bool>') end, ["float"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<float name="''">'..val..'</float>') end, ["int"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<int name="''">'..val..'</int>') end, ["int64"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<int64 name="''">'..val..'</int64>') end, ["double"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<double name="''">'..val..'</double>') end, ["string"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<string name="''">'..val:gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace)..'</string>') end, ["BrickColor"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<int name="''">'..val.Number..'</int>') end, ["Vector2"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Vector2 name="''">\ <X>'..val.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..val.Y..'</Y>\ </Vector2>') end, ["Vector3"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Vector3 name="''">\ <X>'..val.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..val.Y..'</Y>\ <Z>'..val.Z..'</Z>\ </Vector3>') end, ["CFrame"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,('\n<CoordinateFrame name="'[["> <X>%f</X> <Y>%f</Y> <Z>%f</Z> <R00>%f</R00> <R01>%f</R01> <R02>%f</R02> <R10>%f</R10> <R11>%f</R11> <R12>%f</R12> <R20>%f</R20> <R21>%f</R21> <R22>%f</R22> </CoordinateFrame>]]):format(val:components())) end, ["Content"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Content name="''"><url>'..val:gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace)..'</url></Content>') end, ["UDim"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<UDim name="''">\ <S>'..val.Scale..'</S>\ <O>'..val.Offset..'</O>\ </UDim>') end, ["UDim2"] = function(name,val) local x = val.X local y = val.Y t_ins(buffer,'\n<UDim2 name="''">\ <XS>'..x.Scale..'</XS>\ <XO>'..x.Offset..'</XO>\ <YS>'..y.Scale..'</YS>\ <YO>'..y.Offset..'</YO>\ </UDim2>') end, ["Color3"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Color3 name="''">\ <R>'..val.r..'</R>\ <G>'..val.g..'</G>\ <B>'..val.b..'</B>\ </Color3>') end, ["NumberRange"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<NumberRange name="''">'..tostring(val)..'</NumberRange>') end, ["NumberSequence"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<NumberSequence name="''">'..tostring(val)..'</NumberSequence>') end, ["ColorSequence"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<ColorSequence name="''">'..tostring(val)..'</ColorSequence>') end, ["Rect"] = function(name,val) local min,max = val.Min,val.Max t_ins(buffer,'\n<Rect2D name="''">\ <min>\ <X>'..min.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..min.Y..'</Y>\ </min>\ <max>\ <X>'..max.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..max.Y..'</Y>\ </max>\ </Rect2D>') end, ["Object"] = function(name,val) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Ref name="''">RBX'..refs[val]..'</Ref>') end, ["PhysicalProperties"] = function(name,val) if val then t_ins(buffer,'\n<PhysicalProperties name="''">\ <CustomPhysics>true</CustomPhysics>\ <Density>'..val.Density..'</Density>\ <Friction>'..val.Friction..'</Friction>\ <Elasticity>'..val.Elasticity..'</Elasticity>\ <FrictionWeight>'..val.FrictionWeight..'</FrictionWeight>\ <ElasticityWeight>'..val.ElasticityWeight..'</ElasticityWeight>\ </PhysicalProperties>') else t_ins(buffer,'\n<PhysicalProperties name="''">\n<CustomPhysics>false</CustomPhysics>\n</PhysicalProperties>') end end, ["Faces"] = function(name,val) local faceInt = (val.Front and 32 or 0) +(val.Bottom and 16 or 0) +(val.Left and 8 or 0) +(val.Back and 4 or 0) +(val.Top and 2 or 0) +(val.Right and 1 or 0) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Faces name="''">\ <faces>'..faceInt..'</faces>\ </Faces>') end, ["Axes"] = function(name,val) local axisInt = (val.Z and 4 or 0) +(val.Y and 2 or 0) +(val.X and 1 or 0) t_ins(buffer,'\n<Axes name="''">\ <axes>'..axisInt..'</axes>\ </Faces>') end, ["Ray"] = function(name,val) local origin = val.Origin local direction = val.Direction t_ins(buffer,'\n<Ray name="''">\ <origin>\ <X>'..origin.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..origin.Y..'</Y>\ <Z>'..origin.Z..'</Z>\ </origin>\ <direction>\ <X>'..direction.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..direction.Y..'</Y>\ <Z>'..direction.Z..'</Z>\ </direction>\ </Ray>') end, } local function getNS(inst,name) rfl_setscriptable(inst,name,true) local propVal = oldIndex and oldIndex(inst,name) or inst[name] rfl_setscriptable(inst,name,false) return propVal end local function getBS(inst,name) local bs = getbspval(inst,name,true) if bs then return "<![CDATA[""]]>" else return "" end end local specialInst = { ["UnionOperation"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then -- Assume all ely funcs defined t_ins(buffer,'\n<Content name="AssetId"><url>'..getNS(inst,"AssetId"):gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace)..'</url></Content>') local initialSize = getNS(inst,"InitialSize") t_ins(buffer,'\n<Vector3 name="InitialSize">\ <X>'..initialSize.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..initialSize.Y..'</Y>\ <Z>'..initialSize.Z..'</Z>\ </Vector3>') t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="ChildData">'..getBS(inst,"ChildData")..'</BinaryString>') t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="MeshData">'..getBS(inst,"MeshData")..'</BinaryString>') t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="PhysicsData">'..getBS(inst,"PhysicsData")..'</BinaryString>') end end, ["MeshPart"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then -- Assume all ely funcs defined local initialSize = getNS(inst,"InitialSize") t_ins(buffer,'\n<Vector3 name="InitialSize">\ <X>'..initialSize.X..'</X>\ <Y>'..initialSize.Y..'</Y>\ <Z>'..initialSize.Z..'</Z>\ </Vector3>') t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="PhysicsData">'..getBS(inst,"PhysicsData")..'</BinaryString>') end end, ["Terrain"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="MaterialColors">'..getBS(inst,"MaterialColors")..'</BinaryString>') t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="SmoothGrid">'..getBS(inst,"SmoothGrid")..'</BinaryString>') end end, ["TerrainRegion"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="SmoothGrid">'..getBS(inst,"SmoothGrid")..'</BinaryString>') end end, ["BinaryStringValue"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then t_ins(buffer,'\n<BinaryString name="Value">'..getBS(inst,"Value")..'</BinaryString>') end end, ["Workspace"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then t_ins(buffer,'\n<token name="AutoJointsMode">'..getNS(inst,"AutoJointsMode").Value..'</token>') end t_ins(buffer,'\n<bool name="PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled">'..tostring(inst:PGSIsEnabled())..'</bool>') local groupTable = {} for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("PhysicsService"):GetCollisionGroups()) do t_ins(groupTable,"['\"<>&]",xmlReplace).."^""^"..v.mask) end t_ins(buffer,'\n<string name="CollisionGroups">'..t_concat(groupTable,"\\")..'</string>') end, ["Humanoid"] = function(inst) t_ins(buffer,'\n<float name="Health_XML">'..inst.Health..'</float>') end, ["Sound"] = function(inst) t_ins(buffer,'\n<float name="xmlRead_MaxDistance_3">'..inst.MaxDistance..'</float>') end, ["WeldConstraint"] = function(inst) if elyFuncs then valueHandlers["CFrame"]("CFrame0",getNS(inst,"CFrame0")) valueHandlers["CFrame"]("CFrame1",getNS(inst,"CFrame1")) end t_ins(buffer,'\n<Ref name="Part0Internal">RBX'..refs[inst.Part0]..'</Ref>') t_ins(buffer,'\n<Ref name="Part1Internal">RBX'..refs[inst.Part1]..'</Ref>') end, ["LocalScript"] = function(inst) t_ins(buffer,'\n<ProtectedString name="Source">') local src = decompile(inst):gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace) t_ins(buffer, src) t_ins(buffer,'</ProtectedString>') t_ins(toDecompile,{inst,#buffer-1}) end, ["ModuleScript"] = function(inst) t_ins(buffer,'\n<ProtectedString name="Source">') t_ins(buffer,"") t_ins(buffer,'</ProtectedString>') t_ins(toDecompile,{inst,#buffer-1}) end, } local savePlaceBlacklist = { ["CoreGui"] = true, ["CorePackages"] = true } local function writeXML(inst) if saveFilter[inst] then return end local class = oldIndex and oldIndex(inst,"ClassName") or inst.ClassName if not instDir[class] then instDir[class] = inst end local testInst = testInsts[class] t_ins(buffer,'\n<Item class="'..class..'" referent="RBX'..refs[inst]..'">\n<Properties>') for _,prop in pairs(sProps[class]) do local propName = prop.Name local propVal = oldIndex and oldIndex(inst,propName) or inst[propName] if testInst[propName] ~= propVal then local valueType = prop.ValueType if valueHandlers[valueType] then valueHandlers[valueType](propName,propVal) elseif enums[valueType] then -- t_ins(buffer,'\n<token name="'..propName..'">'..propVal.Value..'</token>') elseif classes[valueType] then valueHandlers["Object"](propName,propVal) end end end if specialInst[class] then specialInst[class](inst) end t_ins(buffer,"\n</Properties>") for i,v in pairs(getChildren(inst)) do writeXML(v) end t_ins(buffer,"\n</Item>") end local function resetState() buffer = {} refs = setmetatable({},refMt) refCount = 0 toDecompile = {} saveFilter = {} instDir = {} end local defaultSettings = { DecompileMode = 0, NilInstances = false, RemovePlayers = true, SavePlayerDescendants = false, DecompileTimeout = 10, UnluacMaxThreads = 5, DecompileIgnore = {} } Serializer = { Init = function(data) API = data.API _writefile = data.WriteFile _getnilinstances = data.GetNilInstances oldIndex = data.OldIndex classes = API.Classes enums = API.Enums elyFuncs = getbspval and rfl_setscriptable Serializer.ResetSettings() end, Settings = {}, ResetSettings = function() Serializer.Settings = {} for i,v in pairs(defaultSettings) do Serializer.Settings[i] = v end end, SaveInstance = function(inst,name,sets) Serializer.ResetSettings() for i,v in pairs(sets or {}) do Serializer.Settings[i] = v end resetState() if inst == game and Serializer.Settings.RemovePlayers then for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do saveFilter[v.Character] = true end end t_ins(buffer,[==[<roblox xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" version="4"> <Meta name="ExplicitAutoJoints">true</Meta> <External>null</External> <External>nil</External>]==]) if inst ~= game then if type(inst) == "table" then for i,v in pairs(inst) do writeXML(v) end else writeXML(inst) end else for i,v in pairs(game:GetChildren()) do if not savePlaceBlacklist[v.ClassName] then writeXML(v) end end end if inst == game and Serializer.Settings.NilInstances and _getnilinstances then t_ins(buffer,'\n<Item class="Folder" referent="RBX'..refs["Folder")]..'">\ <Properties>\ <string name="Name">Nil Instances</string>\ </Properties>') for i,v in pairs(_getnilinstances()) do if ((API.Classes[v.ClassName] and not API.Classes[v.ClassName].Tags.Service) or not API.Classes[v.ClassName]) and v ~= game then writeXML(v) end end t_ins(buffer,"\n</Item>") end if inst == game and Serializer.Settings.SavePlayerDescendants then t_ins(buffer,'\n<Item class="Folder" referent="RBX'..refs["Folder")]..'">\ <Properties>\ <string name="Name">Player Descendants</string>\ </Properties>') for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("PlayerGui") or v:IsA("PlayerScripts") or v:IsA("StarterGear") then t_ins(buffer,'\n<Item class="Folder" referent="RBX'..refs["Folder")]..'">\ <Properties>\ <string name="Name">'..v.ClassName..'</string>\ </Properties>') for _,c in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do writeXML(c) end t_ins(buffer,"\n</Item>") else writeXML(v) end end t_ins(buffer,"\n</Item>") end if inst == game then t_ins(buffer,'\n<Item class="Script" referent="RBX'..refs["Folder")]..'">\ <Properties>\ <string name="Name">Please Read</string>\ <ProtectedString name="Source">'..[==[--[[ If you cannot play the game, please try relocating any scripts in StarterPlayer elsewhere. ]]]==]..'</ProtectedString>\ </Properties>\ </Item>') end t_ins(buffer,"\n</roblox>") if Serializer.Settings.DecompileMode > 0 and decompile then if inst == game and #Serializer.Settings.DecompileIgnore > 0 then local ignoreServices = {} for i,v in pairs(Serializer.Settings.DecompileIgnore) do t_ins(ignoreServices,game:GetService(v)) end for i = #toDecompile,1,-1 do for _,serv in pairs(ignoreServices) do if toDecompile[i][1]:IsDescendantOf(serv) then table.remove(toDecompile,i) break end end end end if Serializer.Settings.DecompileMode == 1 then for i,v in pairs(toDecompile) do local decstr = "-- This could not decompile" pcall(function() if (false) then decstr = tostring(v[1]):gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace) else decstr = "" end end) buffer[v[2]] = decstr end elseif Serializer.Settings.DecompileMode == 2 then local left = #toDecompile local totalScripts = left local statusGui ="ScreenGui") local statusText ="TextLabel",statusGui) statusText.BackgroundTransparency = 1 statusText.TextColor3 =,1,1) statusText.Position =,0,0,0) statusText.Size =,0,0,36) statusText.TextSize = 32 statusText.Font = Enum.Font.Code statusText.Text = left.."/"..totalScripts.." Scripts Left" statusGui.Parent = gethui() local function doDec(scr) local thread = coroutine.running() local decompiled = false tostring(scr,"unluac",function(scr,err) decompiled = true coroutine.resume(thread,scr,err) end) spawn(function() wait(Serializer.Settings.DecompileTimeout) if decompiled then return end coroutine.resume(thread,nil,"timeout") end) return coroutine.yield() end for i = 1,Serializer.Settings.UnluacMaxThreads do spawn(function() while #toDecompile > 0 do local nextScript = table.remove(toDecompile) local scr,err = doDec(nextScript[1]) if scr then buffer[nextScript[2]] = scr:gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace) else buffer[nextScript[2]] = "-- This could not decompile because "..(err or ""):gsub("['\"<>&]",xmlReplace) end left = left - 1 statusText.Text = left.."/"..totalScripts.." Scripts Left" end end) end while left > 0 do game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait() end statusGui:Destroy() end end _writefile(name..(inst == game and ".rbxlx" or ".rbxmx"),(t_concat(buffer))) resetState() end } return Serializer end local initialized = false local serializer = SerializerModule() local function init() local startup = { API = fetchAPI(), WriteFile = writefile, GetNilInstances = nil, OldIndex = oldindex } serializer.Init(startup) initialized = true end if not initialized then init() end getgenv().saveinstance = function() serializer.SaveInstance(game, string.format("%i-PlaceSave", game["PlaceId"]), sets) end
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width