print("Sequence vs. Iteration")
# Sequence
print("This is sequence.")
# A
# Python built-in function ord()
letter = "A"
value = ord(letter) # ord("A") takes a character/letter and returns an integer value.
print(f"The character {letter} is {value} in ASCII.")
# Output: 65
# B
# Python built-in function ord()
letter = "B"
value = ord(letter) # ord("B") takes a character/letter and returns an integer value.
print(f"The character {letter} is {value} in ASCII.")
# Output: 66
# C
# Python built-in function ord()
letter = "C"
value = ord(letter) # ord("C") takes a character/letter and returns an integer value.
print(f"The character {letter} is {value} in ASCII.")
# Output: 67
# 120
# Python built-in function chr()
value = 120
letter = chr(value) # chr(120) takes an integer value and returns a letter/character.
print(f"The value {value} is {letter} in ASCII.")
# Output: x
# 121
# Python built-in function chr()
value = 121
letter = chr(value) # chr(121) takes an integer value and returns a letter/character.
print(f"The value {value} is {letter} in ASCII.")
# Output: y
# 122
# Python built-in function chr()
value = 122
letter = chr(value) # chr(122) takes an integer value and returns a letter/character.
print(f"The value {value} is {letter} in ASCII.")
# Output: z
# Iteration
print("This is iteration.")
plaintext = "this is a secret"
ciphertext = ""
# This for loop converts plaintext into ciphertext.
for letter in plaintext:
temp = 0 # integer variable
# missing code block
# missing block of code
ciphertext += str(temp) + " "
print("PLAINTEXT: " + plaintext)
print("CIPHERTEXT: " + ciphertext)