Implementation of Graph

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class Graph { constructor() { this.numberOfNodes = 0; this.adjacentList = { }; } addVertex(node) { this.adjacentList[node]=[]; this.numberOfNodes++; } addEdge(node1, node2) { //undirected Graph this.adjacentList[node1].push(node2); this.adjacentList[node2].push(node1); } showConnections() { const allNodes = Object.keys(this.adjacentList); for (let node of allNodes) { let nodeConnections = this.adjacentList[node]; let connections = ""; for (let vertex of nodeConnections) { connections += vertex + " "; } console.log(node + "-->" + connections); } } } const myGraph = new Graph(); myGraph.addVertex('0'); myGraph.addVertex('1'); myGraph.addVertex('2'); myGraph.addVertex('3'); myGraph.addVertex('4'); myGraph.addVertex('5'); myGraph.addVertex('6'); myGraph.addEdge('3', '1'); myGraph.addEdge('3', '4'); myGraph.addEdge('4', '2'); myGraph.addEdge('4', '5'); myGraph.addEdge('1', '2'); myGraph.addEdge('1', '0'); myGraph.addEdge('0', '2'); myGraph.addEdge('6', '5'); myGraph.showConnections(); //Answer: // 0-->1 2 // 1-->3 2 0 // 2-->4 1 0 // 3-->1 4 // 4-->3 2 5 // 5-->4 6 // 6-->5
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