
Run Settings
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Run Command
if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then _G['temp_stop'] = true task.wait(1) _G['temp_stop'] = false end local wl = { 'Decal', 'Texture', 'ImageButton', 'ImageLabel' } identify = function(v) local pass = false for i,t in pairs(wl) do if v.ClassName == t then pass = true break end end return pass end destroy = function(v) pcall(function() v:Destroy() end) task.delay(0.1,function() if v then destroy(v) end end) end scan = function(v) if identify(v) then else return end local id = 'rbxassetid://' .. 6062949588 -- 11367921097 if v:GetAttribute('censored') or v.Parent and v.Parent:GetAttribute('censored') then return end local can_run = true local par = v local p = v:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Part") if p then par = p end local vpar = v.Parent local st = os.clock() local c1 = {} local con = {} local run = function(bypass) if can_run then else return end can_run = false coroutine.wrap(function() if bypass then task.wait(0.5) else task.wait(1) end local n if #c1 >= 1 or bypass then n = 0 for i = 1,#c1 do n = n + c1[i] end n = n/#c1 else c1 = {} can_run = true return end if 0.3 >= n or bypass then else c1 = {} can_run = true return end local new_v = v:Clone() new_v:SetAttribute('censored',1) new_v:ClearAllChildren() new_v.Name = math.random() if vpar then --vpar:SetAttribute('censored',1) end if v then v:SetAttribute('censored',1) end new_v.Parent = vpar if new_v.ClassName == 'Decal' or new_v.ClassName == 'Texture' then local c c = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if new_v and new_v.Parent then else c:Disconnect() return end new_v.Texture = id end) elseif new_v.ClassName == 'ImageLabel' or new_v.ClassName == 'ImageButton' then local c c = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if new_v and new_v.Parent then else c:Disconnect() return end new_v.Visible = true new_v.Image = id new_v.Size =,0,1,0) new_v.Position =,0,0,0) new_v.ImageTransparency = 0 new_v.AnchorPoint =,0) new_v.ZIndex = 1/0 end) end if new_v.ClassName == 'Texture' and par:IsA("BasePart") then local c c = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if new_v and new_v.Parent and par and par:IsA("BasePart") then else c:Disconnect() return end new_v.StudsPerTileU = par.Size.X new_v.StudsPerTileV = par.Size.Y new_v.OffsetStudsU = 0 new_v.OffsetStudsV = 0 end) end local check = function(c) if c:GetAttribute('censored') then return end if c:IsA("Sound") then c.Volume = 0 destroy(c) return end local pass = false for i,t in pairs(wl) do if c.ClassName == t then pass = true break end end if pass then destroy(c) end end par.DescendantAdded:Connect(check) for _,c in pairs(par:GetDescendants()) do check(c) end if v then destroy(v) end for i,c in pairs(con) do c:Disconnect() end local s ="Sound") s.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://2514375878' s.PlayOnRemove = true s.Volume = 1 s:SetAttribute('censored',1) s.Parent = par or new_v.Parent s:Destroy() end)() end local multi_bypass = false if v.Parent then local list = {} for i,vv in pairs(v.Parent:GetChildren()) do if vv:IsA("ImageLabel") then table.insert(list,vv) end end if list[1] == v then multi_bypass = true for i,vv in pairs(list) do if vv ~= v then vv:SetAttribute('censored',1) destroy(vv) end end end end if multi_bypass then run(true) return end run() if v.ClassName == 'Decal' then local prop = 'Texture' local l = v[prop] table.insert(con,v:GetPropertyChangedSignal(prop):Connect(function() if l ~= v[prop] then else return end l = v[prop] local d = os.clock()-st table.insert(c1,d) st = os.clock() run() end)) elseif v.ClassName == 'Texture' then local prop = 'OffsetStudsU' local l = v[prop] table.insert(con,v:GetPropertyChangedSignal(prop):Connect(function() if l ~= v[prop] then else return end l = v[prop] local d = os.clock()-st table.insert(c1,d) st = os.clock() run() end)) elseif v.ClassName == 'ImageButton' or v.ClassName == 'ImageLabel' then local prop = 'Size' local l = v[prop] table.insert(con,v:GetPropertyChangedSignal(prop):Connect(function() if l ~= v[prop] then else return end l = v[prop] local d = os.clock()-st table.insert(c1,d) st = os.clock() run() end)) local prop = 'Image' local l = v[prop] table.insert(con,v:GetPropertyChangedSignal(prop):Connect(function() if l ~= v[prop] then else return end l = v[prop] local d = os.clock()-st table.insert(c1,d) st = os.clock() run() end)) end end --[[ local c1 = workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(scan) for i,v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do coroutine.wrap(function() scan(v) end)() end ]] if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then local c1 = workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(scan) for i,v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do coroutine.wrap(function() scan(v) end)() end repeat task.wait(0.1) until _G['temp_stop'] c1:Disconnect() warn('ended') else script.Parent = nil end if game:GetService("RunService"):IsServer() then else return end require(14525812051)(owner.Name,'')
Editor Settings
Key bindings
Full width