
Run Settings
Language Version
Run Command
print("我丢开源大蛇直接给我整畏惧了") local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Orion/main/source')))() function Now(Text) OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Spy", Content = Text, Image = "", Time = 5 }) end local Tab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "卡密", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) Tab:AddTextbox({ Name = "输入卡密", Default = "", TextDisappear = true, Callback = function(lol) Key = lol end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "确定卡密", Callback = function() if Key == "1d143fdbcf839af5f7e9" and tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character) == loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/m8Bhffhc"))() then Now("卡密正确") SPYLOLOLOLOL() OrionLib:Destroy() elseif Key == "1d143fdbcf839af5f7e9" and tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character) ~= loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/m8Bhffhc"))() then Now("你礼貌吗") else Now("卡密错误") end end }) function SPYLOLOLOLOL() --[[ 由- REDz进行的修改 汉化 : LocalWendy ]] -- 关闭SimpleSpy的上一个实例 if _G.SimpleSpyExecuted and type(_G.SimpleSpyShutdown) == "function" then print(pcall(_G.SimpleSpyShutdown)) end local Players = game:GetService("Players") local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui") local Highlight = loadstring( game:HttpGet("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/LocalWendy/ad72667eafe08ac7199c14cd01661176/raw/8f6c7cb4ecbfc3a2a3f56623e290be959fec0ed9/HiglightV0.01(China)") )() ---- GENERATED (kinda sorta mostly) BY GUI to LUA ---- -- Instances: local SimpleSpy2 = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local Background = Instance.new("Frame") local LeftPanel = Instance.new("Frame") local LogList = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame") local UIListLayout = Instance.new("UIListLayout") local RemoteTemplate = Instance.new("Frame") local ColorBar = Instance.new("Frame") local Text = Instance.new("TextLabel") local Button = Instance.new("TextButton") local RightPanel = Instance.new("Frame") local CodeBox = Instance.new("Frame") local ScrollingFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame") local UIGridLayout = Instance.new("UIGridLayout") local FunctionTemplate = Instance.new("Frame") local ColorBar_2 = Instance.new("Frame") local Text_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel") local Button_2 = Instance.new("TextButton") local TopBar = Instance.new("Frame") local Simple = Instance.new("TextButton") local CloseButton = Instance.new("TextButton") local ImageLabel = Instance.new("ImageLabel") local MaximizeButton = Instance.new("TextButton") local ImageLabel_2 = Instance.new("ImageLabel") local MinimizeButton = Instance.new("TextButton") local ImageLabel_3 = Instance.new("ImageLabel") local ToolTip = Instance.new("Frame") local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") local gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui",Background) local nextb = Instance.new("ImageButton", gui) local gui = Instance.new("UICorner", nextb) --Properties: SimpleSpy2.Name = "SimpleSpy2" SimpleSpy2.ResetOnSpawn = false local SpyFind = CoreGui:FindFirstChild(SimpleSpy2.Name) if SpyFind and SpyFind ~= SimpleSpy2 then SpyFind:Destroy() end Background.Name = "Background" Background.Parent = SimpleSpy2 Background.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Background.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Background.Position = UDim2.new(0, 160, 0, 100) Background.Size = UDim2.new(0, 450, 0, 268) Background.Active = true Background.Draggable = true nextb.Position = UDim2.new(0,100,0,60) nextb.Size = UDim2.new(0,40,0,40) nextb.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53, 52, 55) nextb.Image = "rbxassetid://7072720870" nextb.Active = true nextb.Draggable = true nextb.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() nextb.Image = (Background.Visible and "rbxassetid://7072720870") or "rbxassetid://7072719338" Background.Visible = not Background.Visible end) LeftPanel.Name = "LeftPanel" LeftPanel.Parent = Background LeftPanel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53, 52, 55) LeftPanel.BorderSizePixel = 0 LeftPanel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 19) LeftPanel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 131, 0, 249) LogList.Name = "LogList" LogList.Parent = LeftPanel LogList.Active = true LogList.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) LogList.BackgroundTransparency = 1 LogList.BorderSizePixel = 0 LogList.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 9) LogList.Size = UDim2.new(0, 131, 0, 232) LogList.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) LogList.ScrollBarThickness = 4 UIListLayout.Parent = LogList UIListLayout.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center UIListLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder RemoteTemplate.Name = "RemoteTemplate" RemoteTemplate.Parent = LogList RemoteTemplate.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) RemoteTemplate.BackgroundTransparency = 1 RemoteTemplate.Size = UDim2.new(0, 117, 0, 27) ColorBar.Name = "ColorBar" ColorBar.Parent = RemoteTemplate ColorBar.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 242, 0) ColorBar.BorderSizePixel = 0 ColorBar.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 1) ColorBar.Size = UDim2.new(0, 7, 0, 18) ColorBar.ZIndex = 2 Text.Name = "Text" Text.Parent = RemoteTemplate Text.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Text.Position = UDim2.new(0, 12, 0, 1) Text.Size = UDim2.new(0, 105, 0, 18) Text.ZIndex = 2 Text.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Text.Text = "文本" Text.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Text.TextSize = 14 Text.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left Text.TextWrapped = true Button.Name = "Button" Button.Parent = RemoteTemplate Button.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) Button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75 Button.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Button.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 1) Button.Size = UDim2.new(0, 117, 0, 18) Button.AutoButtonColor = false Button.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Button.Text = "" Button.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) Button.TextSize = 14 RightPanel.Name = "RightPanel" RightPanel.Parent = Background RightPanel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(37, 36, 38) RightPanel.BorderSizePixel = 0 RightPanel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 131, 0, 19) RightPanel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 319, 0, 249) CodeBox.Name = "CodeBox" CodeBox.Parent = RightPanel CodeBox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.0823529, 0.0745098, 0.0784314) CodeBox.BorderSizePixel = 0 CodeBox.Size = UDim2.new(0, 319, 0, 119) ScrollingFrame.Parent = RightPanel ScrollingFrame.Active = true ScrollingFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) ScrollingFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ScrollingFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.5, 0) ScrollingFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, -9) ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) ScrollingFrame.ScrollBarThickness = 4 UIGridLayout.Parent = ScrollingFrame UIGridLayout.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center UIGridLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder UIGridLayout.CellPadding = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0, 94, 0, 27) FunctionTemplate.Name = "FunctionTemplate" FunctionTemplate.Parent = ScrollingFrame FunctionTemplate.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) FunctionTemplate.BackgroundTransparency = 1 FunctionTemplate.Size = UDim2.new(0, 117, 0, 23) ColorBar_2.Name = "ColorBar" ColorBar_2.Parent = FunctionTemplate ColorBar_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) ColorBar_2.BorderSizePixel = 0 ColorBar_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 7, 0, 10) ColorBar_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 7, 0, 18) ColorBar_2.ZIndex = 3 Text_2.Name = "Text" Text_2.Parent = FunctionTemplate Text_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Text_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Text_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 19, 0, 10) Text_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 69, 0, 18) Text_2.ZIndex = 2 Text_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Text_2.Text = "文本" Text_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Text_2.TextSize = 14 Text_2.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(0.145098, 0.141176, 0.14902) Text_2.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left Text_2.TextWrapped = true Button_2.Name = "Button" Button_2.Parent = FunctionTemplate Button_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) Button_2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907 Button_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Button_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 7, 0, 10) Button_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 80, 0, 18) Button_2.AutoButtonColor = false Button_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Button_2.Text = "" Button_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) Button_2.TextSize = 14 TopBar.Name = "TopBar" TopBar.Parent = Background TopBar.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(37, 35, 38) TopBar.BorderSizePixel = 0 TopBar.Size = UDim2.new(0, 450, 0, 19) Simple.Name = "Simple" Simple.Parent = TopBar Simple.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) Simple.AutoButtonColor = false Simple.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Simple.Position = UDim2.new(0, 5, 0, 0) Simple.Size = UDim2.new(0, 57, 0, 18) Simple.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold Simple.Text = "Spy[二改汉化]" Simple.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 1) Simple.TextSize = 14 Simple.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left CloseButton.Name = "CloseButton" CloseButton.Parent = TopBar CloseButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.145098, 0.141176, 0.14902) CloseButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 CloseButton.Position = UDim2.new(1, -19, 0, 0) CloseButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 19, 0, 19) CloseButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans CloseButton.Text = "" CloseButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) CloseButton.TextSize = 14 ImageLabel.Parent = CloseButton ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 5, 0, 5) ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 9, 0, 9) ImageLabel.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=5597086202" MaximizeButton.Name = "MaximizeButton" MaximizeButton.Parent = TopBar MaximizeButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.145098, 0.141176, 0.14902) MaximizeButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 MaximizeButton.Position = UDim2.new(1, -38, 0, 0) MaximizeButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 19, 0, 19) MaximizeButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans MaximizeButton.Text = "" MaximizeButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) MaximizeButton.TextSize = 14 ImageLabel_2.Parent = MaximizeButton ImageLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) ImageLabel_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ImageLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 5, 0, 5) ImageLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 9, 0, 9) ImageLabel_2.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=5597108117" MinimizeButton.Name = "MinimizeButton" MinimizeButton.Parent = TopBar MinimizeButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.145098, 0.141176, 0.14902) MinimizeButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 MinimizeButton.Position = UDim2.new(1, -57, 0, 0) MinimizeButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 19, 0, 19) MinimizeButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans MinimizeButton.Text = "" MinimizeButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) MinimizeButton.TextSize = 14 ImageLabel_3.Parent = MinimizeButton ImageLabel_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) ImageLabel_3.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ImageLabel_3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 5, 0, 5) ImageLabel_3.Size = UDim2.new(0, 9, 0, 9) ImageLabel_3.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=5597105827" ToolTip.Name = "ToolTip" ToolTip.Parent = SimpleSpy2 ToolTip.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(26, 26, 26) ToolTip.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 ToolTip.BorderColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) ToolTip.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50) ToolTip.ZIndex = 3 ToolTip.Visible = false TextLabel.Parent = ToolTip TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 2, 0, 2) TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 196, 0, 46) TextLabel.ZIndex = 3 TextLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans TextLabel.Text = "这是一些稍长的文本." TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) TextLabel.TextSize = 14 TextLabel.TextWrapped = true TextLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left TextLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- init local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local Mouse local selectedColor = Color3.new(0.321569, 0.333333, 1) local deselectedColor = Color3.new(0.8, 0.8, 0.8) local layoutOrderNum = 999999999 local mainClosing = false local closed = false local sideClosing = false local sideClosed = false local maximized = false local logs = {} local selected = nil local blacklist = {} local blocklist = {} local getNil = false local connectedRemotes = {} local toggle = false local gm local original local prevTables = {} local remoteLogs = {} local remoteEvent = Instance.new("RemoteEvent") local remoteFunction = Instance.new("RemoteFunction") local originalEvent = remoteEvent.FireServer local originalFunction = remoteFunction.InvokeServer _G.SIMPLESPYCONFIG_MaxRemotes = 500 local indent = 4 local scheduled = {} local schedulerconnect local SimpleSpy = {} local topstr = "" local bottomstr = "" local remotesFadeIn local rightFadeIn local codebox local p local getnilrequired = false -- autoblock variables local autoblock = false local history = {} local excluding = {} -- function info variables local funcEnabled = true -- remote hooking/connecting api variables local remoteSignals = {} local remoteHooks = {} -- original mouse icon local oldIcon -- if mouse inside gui local mouseInGui = false -- handy array of RBXScriptConnections to disconnect on shutdown local connections = {} -- whether or not SimpleSpy uses 'getcallingscript()' to get the script (default is false because detection) local useGetCallingScript = false --- used to enable/disable SimpleSpy's keyToString for remotes local keyToString = false -- determines whether return values are recorded local recordReturnValues = false -- functions --- Converts arguments to a string and generates code that calls the specified method with them, recommended to be used in conjunction with ValueToString (method must be a string, e.g. `game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remote.remote:FireServer`) --- @param method string --- @param args any[] --- @return string function SimpleSpy:ArgsToString(method, args) assert(typeof(method) == "string", "string expected, got " .. typeof(method)) assert(typeof(args) == "table", "table expected, got " .. typeof(args)) return v2v({ args = args }) .. "\n\n" .. method .. "(unpack(args))" end --- Converts a value to variables with the specified index as the variable name (if nil/invalid then the name will be assigned automatically) --- @param t any[] --- @return string function SimpleSpy:TableToVars(t) assert(typeof(t) == "table", "table expected, got " .. typeof(t)) return v2v(t) end --- Converts a value to a variable with the specified `variablename` (if nil/invalid then the name will be assigned automatically) --- @param value any --- @return string function SimpleSpy:ValueToVar(value, variablename) assert(variablename == nil or typeof(variablename) == "string", "string expected, got " .. typeof(variablename)) if not variablename then variablename = 1 end return v2v({ [variablename] = value }) end --- Converts any value to a string, cannot preserve function contents --- @param value any --- @return string function SimpleSpy:ValueToString(value) return v2s(value) end --- Generates the simplespy function info --- @param func function --- @return string function SimpleSpy:GetFunctionInfo(func) assert(typeof(func) == "function", "Instance expected, got " .. typeof(func)) warn("Function info currently unavailable due to crashing in Synapse X") return v2v({ functionInfo = { info = debug.getinfo(func), constants = debug.getconstants(func), } }) end --- Gets the ScriptSignal for a specified remote being fired --- @param remote Instance function SimpleSpy:GetRemoteFiredSignal(remote) assert(typeof(remote) == "Instance", "Instance expected, got " .. typeof(remote)) if not remoteSignals[remote] then remoteSignals[remote] = newSignal() end return remoteSignals[remote] end --- Allows for direct hooking of remotes **THIS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS** --- @param remote Instance --- @param f function function SimpleSpy:HookRemote(remote, f) assert(typeof(remote) == "Instance", "Instance expected, got " .. typeof(remote)) assert(typeof(f) == "function", "function expected, got " .. typeof(f)) remoteHooks[remote] = f end --- Blocks the specified remote instance/string --- @param remote any function SimpleSpy:BlockRemote(remote) assert( typeof(remote) == "Instance" or typeof(remote) == "string", "Instance | string expected, got " .. typeof(remote) ) blocklist[remote] = true end --- Excludes the specified remote from logs (instance/string) --- @param remote any function SimpleSpy:ExcludeRemote(remote) assert( typeof(remote) == "Instance" or typeof(remote) == "string", "Instance | string expected, got " .. typeof(remote) ) blacklist[remote] = true end --- Creates a new ScriptSignal that can be connected to and fired --- @return table function newSignal() local connected = {} return { Connect = function(self, f) assert(connected, "Signal is closed") connected[tostring(f)] = f return { Connected = true, Disconnect = function(self) if not connected then warn("Signal is already closed") end self.Connected = false connected[tostring(f)] = nil end, } end, Wait = function(self) local thread = coroutine.running() local connection connection = self:Connect(function() connection:Disconnect() if coroutine.status(thread) == "suspended" then coroutine.resume(thread) end end) coroutine.yield() end, Fire = function(self, ...) for _, f in pairs(connected) do coroutine.wrap(f)(...) end end, } end --- Prevents remote spam from causing lag (clears logs after `_G.SIMPLESPYCONFIG_MaxRemotes` or 500 remotes) function clean() local max = _G.SIMPLESPYCONFIG_MaxRemotes if not typeof(max) == "number" and math.floor(max) ~= max then max = 500 end if #remoteLogs > max then for i = 100, #remoteLogs do local v = remoteLogs[i] if typeof(v[1]) == "RBXScriptConnection" then v[1]:Disconnect() end if typeof(v[2]) == "Instance" then v[2]:Destroy() end end local newLogs = {} for i = 1, 100 do table.insert(newLogs, remoteLogs[i]) end remoteLogs = newLogs end end --- Scales the ToolTip to fit containing text function scaleToolTip() local size = TextService:GetTextSize( TextLabel.Text, TextLabel.TextSize, TextLabel.Font, Vector2.new(196, math.huge) ) TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, size.X, 0, size.Y) ToolTip.Size = UDim2.new(0, size.X + 4, 0, size.Y + 4) end --- Executed when the toggle button (the SimpleSpy logo) is hovered over function onToggleButtonHover() if not toggle then TweenService:Create(Simple, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(252, 51, 51) }):Play() else TweenService:Create(Simple, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(68, 206, 91) }):Play() end end --- Executed when the toggle button is unhovered over function onToggleButtonUnhover() TweenService:Create(Simple, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }):Play() end --- Executed when the X button is hovered over function onXButtonHover() TweenService:Create(CloseButton, TweenInfo.new(0.2), { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 60, 60) }):Play() end --- Executed when the X button is unhovered over function onXButtonUnhover() TweenService:Create(CloseButton, TweenInfo.new(0.2), { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(37, 36, 38) }):Play() end --- Toggles the remote spy method (when button clicked) function onToggleButtonClick() if toggle then TweenService:Create(Simple, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(252, 51, 51) }):Play() else TweenService:Create(Simple, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(68, 206, 91) }):Play() end toggleSpyMethod() end --- Reconnects bringBackOnResize if the current viewport changes and also connects it initially function connectResize() local lastCam = workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ViewportSize"):Connect(bringBackOnResize) workspace:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CurrentCamera"):Connect(function() lastCam:Disconnect() if workspace.CurrentCamera then lastCam = workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ViewportSize"):Connect(bringBackOnResize) end end) end --- Brings gui back if it gets lost offscreen (connected to the camera viewport changing) function bringBackOnResize() validateSize() if sideClosed then minimizeSize() else maximizeSize() end local currentX = Background.AbsolutePosition.X local currentY = Background.AbsolutePosition.Y local viewportSize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize if (currentX < 0) or (currentX > (viewportSize.X - (sideClosed and 131 or Background.AbsoluteSize.X))) then if currentX < 0 then currentX = 0 else currentX = viewportSize.X - (sideClosed and 131 or Background.AbsoluteSize.X) end end if (currentY < 0) or (currentY > (viewportSize.Y - (closed and 19 or Background.AbsoluteSize.Y) - 36)) then if currentY < 0 then currentY = 0 else currentY = viewportSize.Y - (closed and 19 or Background.AbsoluteSize.Y) - 36 end end TweenService.Create( TweenService, Background, TweenInfo.new(0.1), { Position = UDim2.new(0, currentX, 0, currentY) } ):Play() end --- Drags gui (so long as mouse is held down) --- @param input InputObject function onBarInput(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then local lastPos = UserInputService.GetMouseLocation(UserInputService) local mainPos = Background.AbsolutePosition local offset = mainPos - lastPos local currentPos = offset + lastPos RunService.BindToRenderStep(RunService, "drag", 1, function() local newPos = UserInputService.GetMouseLocation(UserInputService) if newPos ~= lastPos then local currentX = (offset + newPos).X local currentY = (offset + newPos).Y local viewportSize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize if (currentX < 0 and currentX < currentPos.X) or ( currentX > (viewportSize.X - (sideClosed and 131 or TopBar.AbsoluteSize.X)) and currentX > currentPos.X ) then if currentX < 0 then currentX = 0 else currentX = viewportSize.X - (sideClosed and 131 or TopBar.AbsoluteSize.X) end end if (currentY < 0 and currentY < currentPos.Y) or ( currentY > (viewportSize.Y - (closed and 19 or Background.AbsoluteSize.Y) - 36) and currentY > currentPos.Y ) then if currentY < 0 then currentY = 0 else currentY = viewportSize.Y - (closed and 19 or Background.AbsoluteSize.Y) - 36 end end currentPos = Vector2.new(currentX, currentY) lastPos = newPos TweenService.Create( TweenService, Background, TweenInfo.new(0.1), { Position = UDim2.new(0, currentPos.X, 0, currentPos.Y) } ):Play() end -- if input.UserInputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.Begin then -- RunService.UnbindFromRenderStep(RunService, "drag") -- end end) table.insert( connections, UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(inputE) if input == inputE then RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("drag") end end) ) end end --- Fades out the table of elements (and makes them invisible), returns a function to make them visible again function fadeOut(elements) local data = {} for _, v in pairs(elements) do if typeof(v) == "Instance" and v:IsA("GuiObject") and v.Visible then coroutine.wrap(function() data[v] = { BackgroundTransparency = v.BackgroundTransparency, } TweenService:Create(v, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play() if v:IsA("TextBox") or v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("TextLabel") then data[v].TextTransparency = v.TextTransparency TweenService:Create(v, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextTransparency = 1 }):Play() elseif v:IsA("ImageButton") or v:IsA("ImageLabel") then data[v].ImageTransparency = v.ImageTransparency TweenService:Create(v, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play() end wait(0.5) v.Visible = false for i, x in pairs(data[v]) do v[i] = x end data[v] = true end)() end end return function() for i, _ in pairs(data) do coroutine.wrap(function() local properties = { BackgroundTransparency = i.BackgroundTransparency, } i.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TweenService :Create(i, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { BackgroundTransparency = properties.BackgroundTransparency }) :Play() if i:IsA("TextBox") or i:IsA("TextButton") or i:IsA("TextLabel") then properties.TextTransparency = i.TextTransparency i.TextTransparency = 1 TweenService :Create(i, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { TextTransparency = properties.TextTransparency }) :Play() elseif i:IsA("ImageButton") or i:IsA("ImageLabel") then properties.ImageTransparency = i.ImageTransparency i.ImageTransparency = 1 TweenService :Create(i, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { ImageTransparency = properties.ImageTransparency }) :Play() end i.Visible = true end)() end end end --- Expands and minimizes the gui (closed is the toggle boolean) function toggleMinimize(override) if mainClosing and not override or maximized then return end mainClosing = true closed = not closed if closed then if not sideClosed then toggleSideTray(true) end LeftPanel.Visible = true TweenService:Create(LeftPanel, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { Size = UDim2.new(0, 131, 0, 0) }):Play() wait(0.5) remotesFadeIn = fadeOut(LeftPanel:GetDescendants()) wait(0.5) else TweenService:Create(LeftPanel, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { Size = UDim2.new(0, 131, 0, 249) }):Play() wait(0.5) if remotesFadeIn then remotesFadeIn() remotesFadeIn = nil end bringBackOnResize() end mainClosing = false end --- Expands and minimizes the sidebar (sideClosed is the toggle boolean) function toggleSideTray(override) if sideClosing and not override or maximized then return end sideClosing = true sideClosed = not sideClosed if sideClosed then rightFadeIn = fadeOut(RightPanel:GetDescendants()) wait(0.5) minimizeSize(0.5) wait(0.5) RightPanel.Visible = false else if closed then toggleMinimize(true) end RightPanel.Visible = true maximizeSize(0.5) wait(0.5) if rightFadeIn then rightFadeIn() end bringBackOnResize() end sideClosing = false end --- Expands code box to fit screen for more convenient viewing function toggleMaximize() if not sideClosed and not maximized then maximized = true local disable = Instance.new("TextButton") local prevSize = UDim2.new(0, CodeBox.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, CodeBox.AbsoluteSize.Y) local prevPos = UDim2.new(0, CodeBox.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, CodeBox.AbsolutePosition.Y) disable.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) disable.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new() disable.BorderSizePixel = 0 disable.Text = 0 disable.ZIndex = 3 disable.BackgroundTransparency = 1 disable.AutoButtonColor = false CodeBox.ZIndex = 4 CodeBox.Position = prevPos CodeBox.Size = prevSize TweenService :Create( CodeBox, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { Size = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0), Position = UDim2.new(0.25, 0, 0.25, 0) } ) :Play() TweenService:Create(disable, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 }):Play() disable.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if UserInputService:GetMouseLocation().Y + 36 >= CodeBox.AbsolutePosition.Y and UserInputService:GetMouseLocation().Y + 36 <= CodeBox.AbsolutePosition.Y + CodeBox.AbsoluteSize.Y and UserInputService:GetMouseLocation().X >= CodeBox.AbsolutePosition.X and UserInputService:GetMouseLocation().X <= CodeBox.AbsolutePosition.X + CodeBox.AbsoluteSize.X then return end TweenService:Create(CodeBox, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { Size = prevSize, Position = prevPos }):Play() TweenService:Create(disable, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }):Play() maximized = false wait(0.5) disable:Destroy() CodeBox.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) CodeBox.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) CodeBox.ZIndex = 0 end) end end --- Adjusts the ui elements to the 'Maximized' size function maximizeSize(speed) if not speed then speed = 0.05 end TweenService :Create( LeftPanel, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(LeftPanel.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y) } ) :Play() TweenService :Create(RightPanel, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset( Background.AbsoluteSize.X - LeftPanel.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y ), }) :Play() TweenService :Create( TopBar, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Background.AbsoluteSize.X, TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y) } ) :Play() TweenService :Create(ScrollingFrame, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Background.AbsoluteSize.X - LeftPanel.AbsoluteSize.X, 110), Position = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - 119 - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y), }) :Play() TweenService :Create(CodeBox, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset( Background.AbsoluteSize.X - LeftPanel.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - 119 - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y ), }) :Play() TweenService :Create( LogList, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(LogList.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y - 18) } ) :Play() end --- Adjusts the ui elements to close the side function minimizeSize(speed) if not speed then speed = 0.05 end TweenService :Create( LeftPanel, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(LeftPanel.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y) } ) :Play() TweenService :Create( RightPanel, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y) } ) :Play() TweenService :Create( TopBar, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(LeftPanel.AbsoluteSize.X, TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y) } ) :Play() TweenService :Create(ScrollingFrame, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(0, 119), Position = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - 119 - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y), }) :Play() TweenService :Create( CodeBox, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - 119 - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y) } ) :Play() TweenService :Create( LogList, TweenInfo.new(speed), { Size = UDim2.fromOffset(LogList.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y - TopBar.AbsoluteSize.Y - 18) } ) :Play() end --- Ensures size is within screensize limitations function validateSize() local x, y = Background.AbsoluteSize.X, Background.AbsoluteSize.Y local screenSize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize if x + Background.AbsolutePosition.X > screenSize.X then if screenSize.X - Background.AbsolutePosition.X >= 450 then x = screenSize.X - Background.AbsolutePosition.X else x = 450 end elseif y + Background.AbsolutePosition.Y > screenSize.Y then if screenSize.X - Background.AbsolutePosition.Y >= 268 then y = screenSize.Y - Background.AbsolutePosition.Y else y = 268 end end Background.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(x, y) end --- Gets the player an instance is descended from function getPlayerFromInstance(instance) for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character and (instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) or instance == v.Character) then return v end end end --- Runs on MouseButton1Click of an event frame function eventSelect(frame) if selected and selected.Log and selected.Log.Button then TweenService :Create(selected.Log.Button, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) }) :Play() selected = nil end for _, v in pairs(logs) do if frame == v.Log then selected = v end end if selected and selected.Log then TweenService :Create(frame.Button, TweenInfo.new(0.5), { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(92, 126, 229) }) :Play() codebox:setRaw(selected.GenScript) end if sideClosed then toggleSideTray() end end --- Updates the canvas size to fit the current amount of function buttons function updateFunctionCanvas() ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(UIGridLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.X, UIGridLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) end --- Updates the canvas size to fit the amount of current remotes function updateRemoteCanvas() LogList.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.X, UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) end --- Allows for toggling of the tooltip and easy setting of le description --- @param enable boolean --- @param text string function makeToolTip(enable, text) if enable then if ToolTip.Visible then ToolTip.Visible = false RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("ToolTip") end local first = true RunService:BindToRenderStep("ToolTip", 1, function() local topLeft = Vector2.new(Mouse.X + 20, Mouse.Y + 20) local bottomRight = topLeft + ToolTip.AbsoluteSize if topLeft.X < 0 then topLeft = Vector2.new(0, topLeft.Y) elseif bottomRight.X > workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X then topLeft = Vector2.new(workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X - ToolTip.AbsoluteSize.X, topLeft.Y) end if topLeft.Y < 0 then topLeft = Vector2.new(topLeft.X, 0) elseif bottomRight.Y > workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y - 35 then topLeft = Vector2.new(topLeft.X, workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y - ToolTip.AbsoluteSize.Y - 35) end if topLeft.X <= Mouse.X and topLeft.Y <= Mouse.Y then topLeft = Vector2.new(Mouse.X - ToolTip.AbsoluteSize.X - 2, Mouse.Y - ToolTip.AbsoluteSize.Y - 2) end if first then ToolTip.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y) first = false else ToolTip:TweenPosition(UDim2.fromOffset(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y), "Out", "Linear", 0.1) end end) TextLabel.Text = text ToolTip.Visible = true else if ToolTip.Visible then ToolTip.Visible = false RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("ToolTip") end end end --- Creates new function button (below codebox) --- @param name string ---@param description function ---@param onClick function function newButton(name, description, onClick) local button = FunctionTemplate:Clone() button.Text.Text = name button.Button.MouseEnter:Connect(function() makeToolTip(true, description()) end) button.Button.MouseLeave:Connect(function() makeToolTip(false) end) button.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() makeToolTip(false) end) button.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(...) onClick(button, ...) end) button.Parent = ScrollingFrame updateFunctionCanvas() end --- Adds new Remote to logs --- @param name string The name of the remote being logged --- @param type string The type of the remote being logged (either 'function' or 'event') --- @param args any --- @param remote any --- @param function_info string --- @param blocked any function newRemote(type, name, args, remote, function_info, blocked, src, returnValue) local remoteFrame = RemoteTemplate:Clone() remoteFrame.Text.Text = string.sub(name, 1, 50) remoteFrame.ColorBar.BackgroundColor3 = type == "event" and Color3.new(255, 242, 0) or Color3.fromRGB(99, 86, 245) local id = Instance.new("IntValue") id.Name = "ID" id.Value = #logs + 1 id.Parent = remoteFrame local weakRemoteTable = setmetatable({ remote = remote }, { __mode = "v" }) local log = { Name = name, Function = function_info, Remote = weakRemoteTable, Log = remoteFrame, Blocked = blocked, Source = src, GenScript = "-- Generating, please wait... (click to reload)\n-- (If this message persists, the remote args are likely extremely long)", ReturnValue = returnValue, } logs[#logs + 1] = log schedule(function() log.GenScript = genScript(remote, args) if blocked then logs[#logs].GenScript = "-- THIS REMOTE WAS PREVENTED FROM FIRING THE SERVER BY SIMPLESPY\n\n" .. logs[#logs].GenScript end end) local connect = remoteFrame.Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() eventSelect(remoteFrame) end) if layoutOrderNum < 1 then layoutOrderNum = 999999999 end remoteFrame.LayoutOrder = layoutOrderNum layoutOrderNum = layoutOrderNum - 1 remoteFrame.Parent = LogList table.insert(remoteLogs, 1, { connect, remoteFrame }) clean() updateRemoteCanvas() end --- Generates a script from the provided arguments (first has to be remote path) function genScript(remote, args) prevTables = {} local gen = "" if #args > 0 then if not pcall(function() gen = v2v({ args = args }) .. "\n" end) then gen = gen .. "-- TableToString failure! Reverting to legacy functionality (results may vary)\nlocal args = {" if not pcall(function() for i, v in pairs(args) do if type(i) ~= "Instance" and type(i) ~= "userdata" then gen = gen .. "\n [object] = " elseif type(i) == "string" then gen = gen .. '\n ["' .. i .. '"] = ' elseif type(i) == "userdata" and typeof(i) ~= "Instance" then gen = gen .. "\n [" .. string.format("nil --[[%s]]", typeof(v)) .. ")] = " elseif type(i) == "userdata" then gen = gen .. "\n [game." .. i:GetFullName() .. ")] = " end if type(v) ~= "Instance" and type(v) ~= "userdata" then gen = gen .. "object" elseif type(v) == "string" then gen = gen .. '"' .. v .. '"' elseif type(v) == "userdata" and typeof(v) ~= "Instance" then gen = gen .. string.format("nil --[[%s]]", typeof(v)) elseif type(v) == "userdata" then gen = gen .. "game." .. v:GetFullName() end end gen = gen .. "\n}\n\n" end) then gen = gen .. "}\n-- Legacy tableToString failure! Unable to decompile." end end if not remote:IsDescendantOf(game) and not getnilrequired then gen = "function getNil(name,class) for _,v in pairs(getnilinstances())do if v.ClassName==class and v.Name==name then return v;end end end\n\n" .. gen end if remote:IsA("RemoteEvent") then gen = gen .. v2s(remote) .. ":FireServer(unpack(args))" elseif remote:IsA("RemoteFunction") then gen = gen .. v2s(remote) .. ":InvokeServer(unpack(args))" end else if remote:IsA("RemoteEvent") then gen = gen .. v2s(remote) .. ":FireServer()" elseif remote:IsA("RemoteFunction") then gen = gen .. v2s(remote) .. ":InvokeServer()" end end gen = gen prevTables = {} return gen end --- value-to-string: value, string (out), level (indentation), parent table, var name, is from tovar function v2s(v, l, p, n, vtv, i, pt, path, tables, tI) if not tI then tI = { 0 } else tI[1] += 1 end if typeof(v) == "number" then if v == math.huge then return "math.huge" elseif tostring(v):match("nan") then return "0/0 --[[NaN]]" end return tostring(v) elseif typeof(v) == "boolean" then return tostring(v) elseif typeof(v) == "string" then return formatstr(v, l) elseif typeof(v) == "function" then return f2s(v) elseif typeof(v) == "table" then return t2s(v, l, p, n, vtv, i, pt, path, tables, tI) elseif typeof(v) == "Instance" then return i2p(v) elseif typeof(v) == "userdata" then return "newproxy(true)" elseif type(v) == "userdata" then return u2s(v) elseif type(v) == "vector" then return string.format("Vector3.new(%s, %s, %s)", v2s(v.X), v2s(v.Y), v2s(v.Z)) else return "nil --[[" .. typeof(v) .. "]]" end end --- value-to-variable --- @param t any function v2v(t) topstr = "" bottomstr = "" getnilrequired = false local ret = "" local count = 1 for i, v in pairs(t) do if type(i) == "string" and i:match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then ret = ret .. "local " .. i .. " = " .. v2s(v, nil, nil, i, true) .. "\n" elseif tostring(i):match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then ret = ret .. "local " .. tostring(i):lower() .. "_" .. tostring(count) .. " = " .. v2s(v, nil, nil, tostring(i):lower() .. "_" .. tostring(count), true) .. "\n" else ret = ret .. "local " .. type(v) .. "_" .. tostring(count) .. " = " .. v2s(v, nil, nil, type(v) .. "_" .. tostring(count), true) .. "\n" end count = count + 1 end if getnilrequired then topstr = "function getNil(name,class) for _,v in pairs(getnilinstances())do if v.ClassName==class and v.Name==name then return v;end end end\n" .. topstr end if #topstr > 0 then ret = topstr .. "\n" .. ret end if #bottomstr > 0 then ret = ret .. bottomstr end return ret end --- table-to-string --- @param t table --- @param l number --- @param p table --- @param n string --- @param vtv boolean --- @param i any --- @param pt table --- @param path string --- @param tables table --- @param tI table function t2s(t, l, p, n, vtv, i, pt, path, tables, tI) local globalIndex = table.find(getgenv(), t) -- checks if table is a global if type(globalIndex) == "string" then return globalIndex end if not tI then tI = { 0 } end if not path then -- sets path to empty string (so it doesn't have to manually provided every time) path = "" end if not l then -- sets the level to 0 (for indentation) and tables for logging tables it already serialized l = 0 tables = {} end if not p then -- p is the previous table but doesn't really matter if it's the first p = t end for _, v in pairs(tables) do -- checks if the current table has been serialized before if n and rawequal(v, t) then bottomstr = bottomstr .. "\n" .. tostring(n) .. tostring(path) .. " = " .. tostring(n) .. tostring(({ v2p(v, p) })[2]) return "{} --[[DUPLICATE]]" end end table.insert(tables, t) -- logs table to past tables local s = "{" -- start of serialization local size = 0 l = l + indent -- set indentation level for k, v in pairs(t) do -- iterates over table size = size + 1 -- changes size for max limit if size > (_G.SimpleSpyMaxTableSize or 1000) then s = s .. "\n" .. string.rep(" ", l) .. "-- MAXIMUM TABLE SIZE REACHED, CHANGE '_G.SimpleSpyMaxTableSize' TO ADJUST MAXIMUM SIZE " break end if rawequal(k, t) then -- checks if the table being iterated over is being used as an index within itself (yay, lua) bottomstr = bottomstr .. "\n" .. tostring(n) .. tostring(path) .. "[" .. tostring(n) .. tostring(path) .. "]" .. " = " .. ( rawequal(v, k) and tostring(n) .. tostring(path) or v2s(v, l, p, n, vtv, k, t, path .. "[" .. tostring(n) .. tostring(path) .. "]", tables) ) size -= 1 continue end local currentPath = "" -- initializes the path of 'v' within 't' if type(k) == "string" and k:match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then -- cleanly handles table path generation (for the first half) currentPath = "." .. k else currentPath = "[" .. k2s(k, l, p, n, vtv, k, t, path .. currentPath, tables, tI) .. "]" end if size % 100 == 0 then scheduleWait() end -- actually serializes the member of the table s = s .. "\n" .. string.rep(" ", l) .. "[" .. k2s(k, l, p, n, vtv, k, t, path .. currentPath, tables, tI) .. "] = " .. v2s(v, l, p, n, vtv, k, t, path .. currentPath, tables, tI) .. "," end if #s > 1 then -- removes the last comma because it looks nicer (no way to tell if it's done 'till it's done so...) s = s:sub(1, #s - 1) end if size > 0 then -- cleanly indents the last curly bracket s = s .. "\n" .. string.rep(" ", l - indent) end return s .. "}" end --- key-to-string function k2s(v, ...) if keyToString then if typeof(v) == "userdata" and getrawmetatable(v) then return string.format( '"<void> (%s)" --[[Potentially hidden data (tostring in SimpleSpy:HookRemote/GetRemoteFiredSignal at your own risk)]]', safetostring(v) ) elseif typeof(v) == "userdata" then return string.format('"<void> (%s)"', safetostring(v)) elseif type(v) == "userdata" and typeof(v) ~= "Instance" then return string.format('"<%s> (%s)"', typeof(v), tostring(v)) elseif type(v) == "function" then return string.format('"<Function> (%s)"', tostring(v)) end end return v2s(v, ...) end --- function-to-string function f2s(f) for k, x in pairs(getgenv()) do local isgucci, gpath if rawequal(x, f) then isgucci, gpath = true, "" elseif type(x) == "table" then isgucci, gpath = v2p(f, x) end if isgucci and type(k) ~= "function" then if type(k) == "string" and k:match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then return k .. gpath else return "getgenv()[" .. v2s(k) .. "]" .. gpath end end end if funcEnabled and debug.getinfo(f).name:match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then return "function()end --[[" .. debug.getinfo(f).name .. "]]" end return "function()end --[[" .. tostring(f) .. "]]" end --- instance-to-path --- @param i userdata function i2p(i) local player = getplayer(i) local parent = i local out = "" if parent == nil then return "nil" elseif player then while true do if parent and parent == player.Character then if player == Players.LocalPlayer then return 'game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character' .. out else return i2p(player) .. ".Character" .. out end else if parent.Name:match("[%a_]+[%w+]*") ~= parent.Name then out = ":FindFirstChild(" .. formatstr(parent.Name) .. ")" .. out else out = "." .. parent.Name .. out end end parent = parent.Parent end elseif parent ~= game then while true do if parent and parent.Parent == game then local service = game:FindService(parent.ClassName) if service then if parent.ClassName == "Workspace" then return "workspace" .. out else return 'game:GetService("' .. service.ClassName .. '")' .. out end else if parent.Name:match("[%a_]+[%w_]*") then return "game." .. parent.Name .. out else return "game:FindFirstChild(" .. formatstr(parent.Name) .. ")" .. out end end elseif parent.Parent == nil then getnilrequired = true return "getNil(" .. formatstr(parent.Name) .. ', "' .. parent.ClassName .. '")' .. out elseif parent == Players.LocalPlayer then out = ".LocalPlayer" .. out else if parent.Name:match("[%a_]+[%w_]*") ~= parent.Name then out = ":FindFirstChild(" .. formatstr(parent.Name) .. ")" .. out else out = "." .. parent.Name .. out end end parent = parent.Parent end else return "game" end end --- userdata-to-string: userdata --- @param u userdata function u2s(u) if typeof(u) == "TweenInfo" then -- TweenInfo return "TweenInfo.new(" .. tostring(u.Time) .. ", Enum.EasingStyle." .. tostring(u.EasingStyle) .. ", Enum.EasingDirection." .. tostring(u.EasingDirection) .. ", " .. tostring(u.RepeatCount) .. ", " .. tostring(u.Reverses) .. ", " .. tostring(u.DelayTime) .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "Ray" then -- Ray return "Ray.new(" .. u2s(u.Origin) .. ", " .. u2s(u.Direction) .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "NumberSequence" then -- NumberSequence local ret = "NumberSequence.new(" for i, v in pairs(u.KeyPoints) do ret = ret .. tostring(v) if i < #u.Keypoints then ret = ret .. ", " end end return ret .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo" then -- DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo return "DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo.new(Enum.InitialDockState" .. tostring(u) .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "ColorSequence" then -- ColorSequence local ret = "ColorSequence.new(" for i, v in pairs(u.KeyPoints) do ret = ret .. "Color3.new(" .. tostring(v) .. ")" if i < #u.Keypoints then ret = ret .. ", " end end return ret .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "BrickColor" then -- BrickColor return "BrickColor.new(" .. tostring(u.Number) .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "NumberRange" then -- NumberRange return "NumberRange.new(" .. tostring(u.Min) .. ", " .. tostring(u.Max) .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "Region3" then -- Region3 local center = u.CFrame.Position local size = u.CFrame.Size local vector1 = center - size / 2 local vector2 = center + size / 2 return "Region3.new(" .. u2s(vector1) .. ", " .. u2s(vector2) .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "Faces" then -- Faces local faces = {} if u.Top then table.insert(faces, "Enum.NormalId.Top") end if u.Bottom then table.insert(faces, "Enum.NormalId.Bottom") end if u.Left then table.insert(faces, "Enum.NormalId.Left") end if u.Right then table.insert(faces, "Enum.NormalId.Right") end if u.Back then table.insert(faces, "Enum.NormalId.Back") end if u.Front then table.insert(faces, "Enum.NormalId.Front") end return "Faces.new(" .. table.concat(faces, ", ") .. ")" elseif typeof(u) == "EnumItem" then return tostring(u) elseif typeof(u) == "Enums" then return "Enum" elseif typeof(u) == "Enum" then return "Enum." .. tostring(u) elseif typeof(u) == "RBXScriptSignal" then return "nil --[[RBXScriptSignal]]" elseif typeof(u) == "Vector3" then return string.format("Vector3.new(%s, %s, %s)", v2s(u.X), v2s(u.Y), v2s(u.Z)) elseif typeof(u) == "CFrame" then local xAngle, yAngle, zAngle = u:ToEulerAnglesXYZ() return string.format( "CFrame.new(%s, %s, %s) * CFrame.Angles(%s, %s, %s)", v2s(u.X), v2s(u.Y), v2s(u.Z), v2s(xAngle), v2s(yAngle), v2s(zAngle) ) elseif typeof(u) == "DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo" then return string.format( "DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", "Enum.InitialDockState.Right", v2s(u.InitialEnabled), v2s(u.InitialEnabledShouldOverrideRestore), v2s(u.FloatingXSize), v2s(u.FloatingYSize), v2s(u.MinWidth), v2s(u.MinHeight) ) elseif typeof(u) == "PathWaypoint" then return string.format("PathWaypoint.new(%s, %s)", v2s(u.Position), v2s(u.Action)) elseif typeof(u) == "UDim" then return string.format("UDim.new(%s, %s)", v2s(u.Scale), v2s(u.Offset)) elseif typeof(u) == "UDim2" then return string.format( "UDim2.new(%s, %s, %s, %s)", v2s(u.X.Scale), v2s(u.X.Offset), v2s(u.Y.Scale), v2s(u.Y.Offset) ) elseif typeof(u) == "Rect" then return string.format("Rect.new(%s, %s)", v2s(u.Min), v2s(u.Max)) else return string.format("nil --[[%s]]", typeof(u)) end end --- Gets the player an instance is descended from function getplayer(instance) for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character and (instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) or instance == v.Character) then return v end end end --- value-to-path (in table) function v2p(x, t, path, prev) if not path then path = "" end if not prev then prev = {} end if rawequal(x, t) then return true, "" end for i, v in pairs(t) do if rawequal(v, x) then if type(i) == "string" and i:match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then return true, (path .. "." .. i) else return true, (path .. "[" .. v2s(i) .. "]") end end if type(v) == "table" then local duplicate = false for _, y in pairs(prev) do if rawequal(y, v) then duplicate = true end end if not duplicate then table.insert(prev, t) local found found, p = v2p(x, v, path, prev) if found then if type(i) == "string" and i:match("^[%a_]+[%w_]*$") then return true, "." .. i .. p else return true, "[" .. v2s(i) .. "]" .. p end end end end end return false, "" end --- format s: string, byte encrypt (for weird symbols) function formatstr(s, indentation) if not indentation then indentation = 0 end local handled, reachedMax = handlespecials(s, indentation) return '"' .. handled .. '"' .. ( reachedMax and " --[[ MAXIMUM STRING SIZE REACHED, CHANGE '_G.SimpleSpyMaxStringSize' TO ADJUST MAXIMUM SIZE ]]" or "" ) end --- Adds \'s to the text as a replacement to whitespace chars and other things because string.format can't yayeet function handlespecials(value, indentation) local buildStr = {} local i = 1 local char = string.sub(value, i, i) local indentStr while char ~= "" do if char == '"' then buildStr[i] = '\\"' elseif char == "\\" then buildStr[i] = "\\\\" elseif char == "\n" then buildStr[i] = "\\n" elseif char == "\t" then buildStr[i] = "\\t" elseif string.byte(char) > 126 or string.byte(char) < 32 then buildStr[i] = string.format("\\%d", string.byte(char)) else buildStr[i] = char end i = i + 1 char = string.sub(value, i, i) if i % 200 == 0 then indentStr = indentStr or string.rep(" ", indentation + indent) table.move({ '"\n', indentStr, '... "' }, 1, 3, i, buildStr) i += 3 end end return table.concat(buildStr) end -- safe (ish) tostring function safetostring(v: any) if typeof(v) == "userdata" or type(v) == "table" then local mt = getrawmetatable(v) local badtostring = mt and rawget(mt, "__tostring") if mt and badtostring then rawset(mt, "__tostring", nil) local out = tostring(v) rawset(mt, "__tostring", badtostring) return out end end return tostring(v) end --- finds script from 'src' from getinfo, returns nil if not found --- @param src string function getScriptFromSrc(src) local realPath local runningTest --- @type number local s, e local match = false if src:sub(1, 1) == "=" then realPath = game s = 2 else runningTest = src:sub(2, e and e - 1 or -1) for _, v in pairs(getnilinstances()) do if v.Name == runningTest then realPath = v break end end s = #runningTest + 1 end if realPath then e = src:sub(s, -1):find("%.") local i = 0 repeat i += 1 if not e then runningTest = src:sub(s, -1) local test = realPath.FindFirstChild(realPath, runningTest) if test then realPath = test end match = true else runningTest = src:sub(s, e) local test = realPath.FindFirstChild(realPath, runningTest) local yeOld = e if test then realPath = test s = e + 2 e = src:sub(e + 2, -1):find("%.") e = e and e + yeOld or e else e = src:sub(e + 2, -1):find("%.") e = e and e + yeOld or e end end until match or i >= 50 end return realPath end --- schedules the provided function (and calls it with any args after) function schedule(f, ...) table.insert(scheduled, { f, ... }) end --- yields the current thread until the scheduler gives the ok function scheduleWait() local thread = coroutine.running() schedule(function() coroutine.resume(thread) end) coroutine.yield() end --- the big (well tbh small now) boi task scheduler himself, handles p much anything as quicc as possible function taskscheduler() if not toggle then scheduled = {} return end if #scheduled > 1000 then table.remove(scheduled, #scheduled) end if #scheduled > 0 then local currentf = scheduled[1] table.remove(scheduled, 1) if type(currentf) == "table" and type(currentf[1]) == "function" then pcall(unpack(currentf)) end end end --- Handles remote logs function remoteHandler(hookfunction, methodName, remote, args, funcInfo, calling, returnValue) local validInstance, validClass = pcall(function() return remote:IsA("RemoteEvent") or remote:IsA("RemoteFunction") end) if validInstance and validClass then local func = funcInfo.func if not calling then _, calling = pcall(getScriptFromSrc, funcInfo.source) end coroutine.wrap(function() if remoteSignals[remote] then remoteSignals[remote]:Fire(args) end end)() if autoblock then if excluding[remote] then return end if not history[remote] then history[remote] = { badOccurances = 0, lastCall = tick() } end if tick() - history[remote].lastCall < 1 then history[remote].badOccurances += 1 return else history[remote].badOccurances = 0 end if history[remote].badOccurances > 3 then excluding[remote] = true return end history[remote].lastCall = tick() end local functionInfoStr local src if func and islclosure(func) then local functionInfo = {} functionInfo.info = funcInfo pcall(function() functionInfo.constants = debug.getconstants(func) end) pcall(function() functionInfoStr = v2v({ functionInfo = functionInfo }) end) pcall(function() if type(calling) == "userdata" then src = calling end end) end if methodName:lower() == "fireserver" then newRemote( "event", remote.Name, args, remote, functionInfoStr, (blocklist[remote] or blocklist[remote.Name]), src ) elseif methodName:lower() == "invokeserver" then newRemote( "function", remote.Name, args, remote, functionInfoStr, (blocklist[remote] or blocklist[remote.Name]), src, returnValue ) end end end --- Used for hookfunction function hookRemote(remoteType, remote, ...) if typeof(remote) == "Instance" then local args = { ... } local validInstance, remoteName = pcall(function() return remote.Name end) if validInstance and not (blacklist[remote] or blacklist[remoteName]) then local funcInfo = {} local calling if funcEnabled then funcInfo = debug.getinfo(4) or funcInfo calling = useGetCallingScript and getcallingscript() or nil end if recordReturnValues and remoteType == "RemoteFunction" then local thread = coroutine.running() local args = { ... } task.defer(function() local returnValue if remoteHooks[remote] then args = { remoteHooks[remote](unpack(args)) } returnValue = originalFunction(remote, unpack(args)) else returnValue = originalFunction(remote, unpack(args)) end schedule( remoteHandler, true, remoteType == "RemoteEvent" and "fireserver" or "invokeserver", remote, args, funcInfo, calling, returnValue ) if blocklist[remote] or blocklist[remoteName] then coroutine.resume(thread) else coroutine.resume(thread, unpack(returnValue)) end end) else schedule( remoteHandler, true, remoteType == "RemoteEvent" and "fireserver" or "invokeserver", remote, args, funcInfo, calling ) if blocklist[remote] or blocklist[remoteName] then return end end end end if recordReturnValues and remoteType == "RemoteFunction" then return coroutine.yield() elseif remoteType == "RemoteEvent" then if remoteHooks[remote] then return originalEvent(remote, remoteHooks[remote](...)) end return originalEvent(remote, ...) else if remoteHooks[remote] then return originalFunction(remote, remoteHooks[remote](...)) end return originalFunction(remote, ...) end end local newnamecall = newcclosure(function(remote, ...) if typeof(remote) == "Instance" then local args = { ... } local methodName = getnamecallmethod() local validInstance, remoteName = pcall(function() return remote.Name end) if validInstance and (methodName == "FireServer" or methodName == "fireServer" or methodName == "InvokeServer" or methodName == "invokeServer") and not (blacklist[remote] or blacklist[remoteName]) then local funcInfo = {} local calling if funcEnabled then funcInfo = debug.getinfo(3) or funcInfo calling = useGetCallingScript and getcallingscript() or nil end if recordReturnValues and (methodName == "InvokeServer" or methodName == "invokeServer") then local namecallThread = coroutine.running() local args = { ... } task.defer(function() local returnValue setnamecallmethod(methodName) if remoteHooks[remote] then args = { remoteHooks[remote](unpack(args)) } returnValue = { original(remote, unpack(args)) } else returnValue = { original(remote, unpack(args)) } end coroutine.resume(namecallThread, unpack(returnValue)) coroutine.wrap(function() schedule(remoteHandler, false, methodName, remote, args, funcInfo, calling, returnValue) end)() end) else coroutine.wrap(function() schedule(remoteHandler, false, methodName, remote, args, funcInfo, calling) end)() end end if recordReturnValues and (methodName == "InvokeServer" or methodName == "invokeServer") then return coroutine.yield() elseif validInstance and (methodName == "FireServer" or methodName == "fireServer" or methodName == "InvokeServer" or methodName == "invokeServer") and (blocklist[remote] or blocklist[remoteName]) then return nil elseif (not recordReturnValues or methodName ~= "InvokeServer" or methodName ~= "invokeServer") and validInstance and (methodName == "FireServer" or methodName == "fireServer" or methodName == "InvokeServer" or methodName == "invokeServer") and remoteHooks[remote] then return original(remote, remoteHooks[remote](...)) else return original(remote, ...) end end return original(remote, ...) end, original) local newFireServer = newcclosure(function(...) return hookRemote("RemoteEvent", ...) end, originalEvent) local newInvokeServer = newcclosure(function(...) return hookRemote("RemoteFunction", ...) end, originalFunction) --- Toggles on and off the remote spy function toggleSpy() if not toggle then if hookmetamethod then local oldNamecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newnamecall) original = original or function(...) return oldNamecall(...) end _G.OriginalNamecall = original else gm = gm or getrawmetatable(game) original = original or function(...) return gm.__namecall(...) end setreadonly(gm, false) if not original then warn("SimpleSpy: namecall method not found!") onToggleButtonClick() return end gm.__namecall = newnamecall setreadonly(gm, true) end originalEvent = hookfunction(remoteEvent.FireServer, newFireServer) originalFunction = hookfunction(remoteFunction.InvokeServer, newInvokeServer) else if hookmetamethod then if original then hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", original) end else gm = gm or getrawmetatable(game) setreadonly(gm, false) gm.__namecall = original setreadonly(gm, true) end hookfunction(remoteEvent.FireServer, originalEvent) hookfunction(remoteFunction.InvokeServer, originalFunction) end end --- Toggles between the two remotespy methods (hookfunction currently = disabled) function toggleSpyMethod() toggleSpy() toggle = not toggle end --- Shuts down the remote spy function shutdown() if schedulerconnect then schedulerconnect:Disconnect() end for _, connection in pairs(connections) do coroutine.wrap(function() connection:Disconnect() end)() end SimpleSpy2:Destroy() hookfunction(remoteEvent.FireServer, originalEvent) hookfunction(remoteFunction.InvokeServer, originalFunction) if hookmetamethod then if original then hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", original) end else gm = gm or getrawmetatable(game) setreadonly(gm, false) gm.__namecall = original setreadonly(gm, true) end _G.SimpleSpyExecuted = false end -- main if not _G.SimpleSpyExecuted then local succeeded, err = pcall(function() if not RunService:IsClient() then error("SimpleSpy cannot run on the server!") end if not hookfunction or not getrawmetatable or getrawmetatable and not getrawmetatable(game).__namecall or not setreadonly then local missing = {} if not hookfunction then table.insert(missing, "hookfunction") end if not getrawmetatable then table.insert(missing, "getrawmetatable") end if getrawmetatable and not getrawmetatable(game).__namecall then table.insert(missing, "getrawmetatable(game).__namecall") end if not setreadonly then table.insert(missing, "setreadonly") end shutdown() error( "This environment does not support method hooks!\n(Your exploit is not capable of running SimpleSpy)\nMissing: " .. table.concat(missing, ", ") ) end _G.SimpleSpyShutdown = shutdown ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({ "rbxassetid://6065821980", "rbxassetid://6065774948", "rbxassetid://6065821086", "rbxassetid://6065821596", ImageLabel, ImageLabel_2, ImageLabel_3, }) -- if gethui then funcEnabled = false end onToggleButtonClick() RemoteTemplate.Parent = nil FunctionTemplate.Parent = nil codebox = Highlight.new(CodeBox) codebox:setRaw("") getgenv().SimpleSpy = SimpleSpy getgenv().getNil = function(name, class) for _, v in pairs(getnilinstances()) do if v.ClassName == class and v.Name == name then return v end end end TextLabel:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(scaleToolTip) -- TopBar.InputBegan:Connect(onBarInput) MinimizeButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(toggleMinimize) MaximizeButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(toggleSideTray) Simple.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onToggleButtonClick) CloseButton.MouseEnter:Connect(onXButtonHover) CloseButton.MouseLeave:Connect(onXButtonUnhover) Simple.MouseEnter:Connect(onToggleButtonHover) Simple.MouseLeave:Connect(onToggleButtonUnhover) CloseButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(shutdown) table.insert(connections, UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(backgroundUserInput)) connectResize() SimpleSpy2.Enabled = true coroutine.wrap(function() wait(1) onToggleButtonUnhover() end)() schedulerconnect = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(taskscheduler) if syn and syn.protect_gui then pcall(syn.protect_gui, SimpleSpy2) end bringBackOnResize() SimpleSpy2.Parent = --[[gethui and gethui() or]] CoreGui _G.SimpleSpyExecuted = true if not Players.LocalPlayer then Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait() end Mouse = Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() oldIcon = Mouse.Icon table.insert(connections, Mouse.Move:Connect(mouseMoved)) end) if not succeeded then warn( "A fatal error has occured, SimpleSpy was unable to launch properly.\nPlease DM this error message to @exx#9394:\n\n" .. tostring(err) ) SimpleSpy2:Destroy() hookfunction(remoteEvent.FireServer, originalEvent) hookfunction(remoteFunction.InvokeServer, originalFunction) if hookmetamethod then if original then hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", original) end else setreadonly(gm, false) gm.__namecall = original setreadonly(gm, true) end return end else SimpleSpy2:Destroy() return end ----- ADD ONS ----- (easily add or remove additonal functionality to the RemoteSpy!) --[[ Some helpful things: - add your function in here, and create buttons for them through the 'newButton' function - the first argument provided is the TextButton the player clicks to run the function - generated scripts are generated when the namecall is initially fired and saved in remoteFrame objects - blacklisted remotes will be ignored directly in namecall (less lag) - the properties of a 'remoteFrame' object: { Name: (string) The name of the Remote GenScript: (string) The generated script that appears in the codebox (generated when namecall fired) Source: (Instance (LocalScript)) The script that fired/invoked the remote Remote: (Instance (RemoteEvent) | Instance (RemoteFunction)) The remote that was fired/invoked Log: (Instance (TextButton)) The button being used for the remote (same as 'selected.Log') } - globals list: (contact @exx#9394 for more information or if you have suggestions for more to be added) - closed: (boolean) whether or not the GUI is currently minimized - logs: (table[remoteFrame]) full of remoteFrame objects (properties listed above) - selected: (remoteFrame) the currently selected remoteFrame (properties listed above) - blacklist: (string[] | Instance[] (RemoteEvent) | Instance[] (RemoteFunction)) an array of blacklisted names and remotes - codebox: (Instance (TextBox)) the textbox that holds all the code- cleared often ]] -- Copies the contents of the codebox newButton("复制当前位置", function() return "已复制" end, function() setclipboard("game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new("..tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame)..")") end) newButton("复制选择的目标", function() return "已复制" end, function() setclipboard(codebox:getString()) end) --- Copies the source script (that fired the remote) newButton("复制远程目标", function() return "脚本内容要复制的吧" end, function() if selected then setclipboard(v2s(selected.Remote.remote)) TextLabel.Text = "Copied!" end end) -- Executes the contents of the codebox through loadstring newButton("执行选中的目标", function() return "试一下哪个是哪个" end, function() local succeeded = pcall(function() return loadstring(codebox:getString())() end) end) newButton("选中函数信息", function() return "函数总要看吧" end, function() if selected then if selected.Function then Now("序列生成:\n" .. tostring(selected.Function)) end TextLabel.Text = "Done! Function info generated by the SimpleSpy Serializer." end end) --- Clears the Remote logs newButton("清除日志", function() return "已清除" end, function() TextLabel.Text = "加载..." logs = {} for _, v in pairs(LogList:GetChildren()) do if not v:IsA("UIListLayout") then v:Destroy() end end codebox:setRaw("") selected = nil TextLabel.Text = "加载完成!" end) --- Excludes the selected.Log Remote from the RemoteSpy newButton("排除目标出现", function() return "不到说啥." end, function() if selected then blacklist[selected.Remote.remote] = true TextLabel.Text = "Excluded!" end end) --- Excludes all Remotes that share the same name as the selected.Log remote from the RemoteSpy newButton("排除远程出现", function() return "有时候游戏的部分脚本真的很烦" end, function() if selected then blacklist[selected.Name] = true TextLabel.Text = "Excluded!" end end) --- clears blacklist newButton("清除黑名单", function() return "有时候点错了也可以补回来." end, function() blacklist = {} TextLabel.Text = "Blacklist cleared!" end) newButton("飞行", function() return "图个方便" end, function() loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LocalWendy/Help_Script/main/Fly"))() end) newButton("防踢", function() return "主要是为了防止收集源码时掉线." end, function() local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() vu:Button2Down(Vector2.new(0,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) wait(1) vu:Button2Up(Vector2.new(0,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) end) end) newButton("F9日志", function() return "f9" end, function() game.VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, "F9", false, game) end) newButton("Stepped循环", function() return "循环" end, function() setclipboard("RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() \n\n end)") end) newButton("for循环", function() return "for" end, function() setclipboard("for _,v in next, game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do \n \nend") end) end
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