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print("### item應用 ###") a = {"name":"john","age":30,"address":"main street","phone":1234} for key,value in a.items(): print (key,value) '''print ("paython 3.8") a = {"name":"john","age":30,"address":"main street","phone":1234} #[key,value for key,value in a.items() if (values>10)]: for key, value in [(key, value) for key, value in a.items() if value > 10]: print (key,value)''' print("### *應用 List 去 TRUPLE###") a,*b,(c,d,e) = [1,2,3,'xyz'] print(a) print(b) print(c) print(d) print(e) print("########") a = [1,2,3,'xyz'] print(a[3][0]) print("########") a = [1,'xyz',3, 4] print(a[1][0]) print("########") a,*b,(c,*d)= [1,2,3,'python'] print(a) print(b) print(c) print(d) print("########") def func1(a, b, c): print(a, b, c) func1(10, 20, 30) # example 1 : simply destructure print("# example 1 : simply destructure") l=[1,2,3,4,5,6] a,b =l[0],l[1:] print(a,b) # example 2 :destructure * print("# example 2 :destructure *") a,*b = l print(a,b) # example 3 : string as list print("# example 3 : string as list") a,*b='pathon' print(a,b) # example 4 : substring destructure print("# example 4 : substring destructure") s ='pathon' a,b,c,d=s[0],s[1],s[2:-1],s[-1] print(a,b,c,d) a,b,*c,d=s print(a,b,c,d) # example 5: destructure and re-grouo print("# example 5: destructure and re-grouo") l1=[1,2,3] l2=[4,5,6] l= [*l1,*l2] print(l) # example 6: destructure unordered data print("# example 6: destructure unordered data") s ={10,20,30,'d'} a,b,*c =s print(a,b,c) *a,=s #*a, *攞晒數字 ,變成TRUPLE print(a) # example7 :polyfill print("# example7 :polyfill") print("help(set)個DOC自己看") #help(set) # example 8 join set print("# example 8 join set") s1={1,2,3} s2={4,5,6} s3={7,8,9} s4={4,2,'b'} print(s1.union(s2).union(s3).union(s4)) print(s4.union(s2).union(s3).union(s1)) print(*s1,*s2,*s3,*s4) # example 9 combine dictionary print("# example 9 combine dictionary") d1= {"key1":1,"key1":2} d2= {"key2":1,"key1":2} print({**d1,**d2}) print({**d2,**d1}) print("#"*30) d1= {"key1":1,"key2":2} d2= {"key2":1,"key3":2} print({**d1,**d2}) print({**d2,**d1}) print({"key1":100,**d1,**d2,"key3":200,}) # example 10 nested destructure print("# example 10 nested destructure") a,b,(c,d)=[1,2,['x','y']] print(a,b,c,d) a,b,(c,d)=[1,2,'xy'] # string as list print(a,b,c,d) print("#"*30) l = [1,2,3,'python'] print (l[0],l[1:-1],l[-1][0],l[-1][1],list(l[-1][2:])) # example 11 postion argument print("# example 11 postion argument") def func1(a,b,c): print(a,b,c) func1(10,20,30) # example 12 print("example l2") func1(b=20,a=10,c=30) func1(10,c=30,b=20) # example 13 *args print("# example 13 *args") def func2(a,b,*args,d): print(a,b,args,d) # func2(10,20,"a","b",100)行唔到因為* 攞晒數值 print("# error can't use position argument after *args") func2(10,20,"a","b",d=100) #then it is ok行因為* 攞晒數值,但定義了d=100 # example 14 * print("# example 14 *") def func3(*args,d): print(args,d) func3(d="hello") '''func3() #error missing keyword argument''' # example 15 print("# example 15") def func4(*args,d=100): print(args,d) func4(1,2,3) #arg =[1,2,3], d=100 func4() # arg =(), d =100 # example 16 print("# example 16") def func5(*, d=100): # end positional arguments print(d) func5() '''func5(10,d=200) #dont work''' print("#"*30) def func5(*, d): print(d) func5(d=200) print("#"*30) def func5(*,func): print(func()) func5(func=func4)
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