// Here's the explanation of the challenge -- when you're done reading it,
// click on `main.js` above to get started with the challenge!
// It's time to make some _patatas bravas_ for our bar! But we just got a new
// batch of potatoes in, and we're not sure how many portions we can make
// using those potatoes. We'll figure this out with code!
// ## Description
// In this challenge, you will write a `makeBravas` function that receives a
// list (array) as an argument. Each element of the list is a string
// containing the word `"small"`, `"medium"` or `"large"`, representing a
// potato of that size.
// For example, if there is one large potato, one small potato and two medium
// potatoes, your function could be invoked like:
// makeBravas(["medium", "large", "small", "medium"])
// Your function should return the amount of complete portions of
// _patatas bravas_ that can be made with the given potatoes. Here's all you
// need to know about making _bravas_, the "secret recipe", if you will:
// A **small** potato can only be chopped into **four** potato chips.
// A **medium** potato can be chopped into **eight** potato chips.
// A **large** potato can be chopped into **twenty-four** potato chips!
// To make a **portion** of _patatas bravas_, you need **twenty** potato chips.
// Any potato chips that remain after the complete portions are made are
// discarded. For example, given one large potato, your function should return
// exactly one (`1`), as you can only make one portion -- the four leftover
// chips are ignored.
/* Check out README.md for instructions! */
// Procedural-style solution
function proceduralMakeBravas(potatoes) {
let chips = 0;
potatoes.forEach((potato) => {
if (potato == "small") {
chips += 4
} else if (potato == "medium") {
chips += 8
} else if (potato == "large") {
chips += 24
return Math.floor(chips / 20)
// Functional-style solution
function functionalMakeBravas(potatoes) {
// Reduce the list of potatoes, accumulating them
// into portions and chips.
// (See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce)
return potatoes.reduce(([portions, chips], potato) => {
// Look up how many additional portions and leftover
// chips can be obtained from this potato.
const [morePortions, moreChips] = {
small: [0, 4],
medium: [0, 8],
large: [1, 4],
portions += morePortions
chips += moreChips
// If we have accumulated more than twenty
// leftover chips, make an additional portion
// out of them.
if (chips >= 20) {
chips -= 20
portions += 1
return [portions, chips]
}, [0, 0])[0]
for (const solution of [
]) {
/* Test runner (do not modify this line!) */
const expect = require("./expect")(solution)
/* Test cases (remember to add more!) */
// no potatoes, no bravas!
expect(0, [])
// one large potato gives you one portion
expect(1, ["large"])
// leftovers are accumulated into portions
expect(2, ["large", "medium", "small", "small"])
// your test case here!
// expect(expectedPortions, potatoes)
/* Test runner (do not modify this!) */
module.exports = (run) => function expect(expected, ...inputs) {
const stringify = (value) => {
const serialised = JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2)
|| "undefined"
const lines = serialised.split('\n')
for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = "\t" + lines[i]
return lines.join('\n')
const serialisedInputs = inputs
.join(", ")
const actual = run(...inputs)
if (expected !== actual) {
` ❌ ${run.name}(${serialisedInputs})\n\n` +
`\texpected: ${stringify(expected)}\n` +
`\tbut instead got: ${stringify(actual)}\n\n`
} else {
` ✅ ${run.name}(${serialisedInputs}) === ${stringify(actual)}\n`