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# mergeSortedArrays([0,3,4,31], [4,6,30]); # [0,3,4,4,6,30,31] # inputs: two arrays # outputs: one merged array # option1: append the array, sort the resulting array o(n²) # option2: optimization def mergeSortedArrays(Arr, Brr): # validate input output_array = [] while (len(Arr) or len(Brr)) > 0: if len(Arr) == 0: output_array.append(Brr[0]) if len(Brr) != 0: Brr.pop(0) elif len(Brr) == 0: output_array.append(Arr[0]) if len(Arr) != 0: Arr.pop(0); elif Arr[0] < Brr[0]: output_array.append(Arr[0]) if len(Arr) != 0: Arr.pop(0); else: output_array.append(Brr[0]) if len(Brr) != 0: Brr.pop(0) return output_array print("Hello World!") sample_arrayA = [0,3,4,31] sample_arrayB = [4,6,30] result1 = mergeSortedArrays(sample_arrayA, sample_arrayB) # print(result1) assert(result1==[0,3,4,4,6,30,31]) sample_arrayA = [0,3,3,3] sample_arrayB = [3,3,4,6,30] result2 = mergeSortedArrays(sample_arrayA, sample_arrayB) assert(result2 == [0,3,3,3,3,3,4,6,30]) print("Goodbye Cruel World")
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