Height of a tree

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class Node: def __init__(self, info): self.info = info self.left = None self.right = None self.level = None def __str__(self): return str(self.info) class BinarySearchTree: def __init__(self): self.root = None def create(self, val): if self.root == None: self.root = Node(val) else: current = self.root while True: if val < current.info: if current.left: current = current.left else: current.left = Node(val) break elif val > current.info: if current.right: current = current.right else: current.right = Node(val) break else: break # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT ''' class Node: def __init__(self,info): self.info = info self.left = None self.right = None // this is a node of the tree , which contains info as data, left , right ''' def height(root): nodeHeight = 0 maxHeight = 0 prevNode = None for i in range(30): # print("new run") nodeHeight = 0 currentNode = root # print(f"root left: {root.left}") # print(f"root right: {root.right}") for j in range(20): # print(f"current left: {currentNode.left}") # print(f"current right: {currentNode.right}") if currentNode.left != None: prevNode = currentNode currentNode = currentNode.left # print(f"current node became: {currentNode} and his left is {currentNode.left}") elif currentNode.right != None: # print("no left, only right") prevNode = currentNode currentNode = currentNode.right else: # print("node end") break nodeHeight+=1 maxHeight = max(nodeHeight, maxHeight) # print(f"node height: {nodeHeight} and max height") # print("remove this last node") if currentNode != root: if prevNode.left == currentNode: prevNode.left = None else: prevNode.right = None else: # print("ran through the whole tree") return maxHeight break return maxHeight tree = BinarySearchTree() t = int(input()) arr = list(map(int, input().split())) for i in range(t): tree.create(arr[i]) print(height(tree.root)) """ inputs: 7 3 5 2 1 4 6 7 1 15 5 3 1 7 5 4 """
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