Fast*114514 Read and Write

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#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define USE_FREAD // #undef USE_FREAD // 取消注释上一行会使用 getchar() 替代 fread,可以不使用 EOF 结束读入,但是降低性能 namespace lib{ #ifndef LIB_STRING using string=std::string; #endif #ifdef USE_FREAD template <const long long MAXSIZE, const long long MAX_ITEM_SZ=500> #endif struct IO { #ifdef USE_FREAD char buf[MAXSIZE],*p1,*p2; char pbuf[MAXSIZE],*pp; IO():p1(buf),p2(buf),pp(pbuf) {} ~IO() { fwrite(pbuf,1,pp-pbuf,stdout); } inline char gc() { if (p1==p2) p2=(p1=buf)+fread(buf,1,MAXSIZE,stdin); return p1==p2?' ':*p1++; } inline void sync() { fwrite(pbuf,1,MAXSIZE,stdout); pp=pbuf; } #endif #ifndef USE_FREAD inline void sync() {} inline char gc() { return getchar(); } #endif char floatFormat[10]="%.6f", doubleFormat[10]="%.6lf"; inline bool blank(char ch) { return ch==' ' or ch=='\n' or ch=='\r' or ch=='\t'; } inline bool isd(char x) {return (x>='0' and x<='9');} inline IO& setprecision(int d) { sprintf(floatFormat, "%%.%df", d); sprintf(doubleFormat, "%%.%dlf", d); return *this; } string input(int reserve=0) { char c = gc(); string res=""; res.reserve(reserve); while((c&&!blank(c)) || c==' ') { res.push_back(c); c = gc(); } return res; } template <class T> inline void read(T &x) { double tmp=1; bool sign=0; x=0; char ch=gc(); for (; not isd(ch); ch=gc()) if (ch=='-') sign=1; for (; isd(ch); ch=gc()) x=x*10+(ch^48); if (ch=='.') for (ch=gc(); isd(ch); ch=gc()) tmp*=.1f,x+=tmp*(ch^48); if (sign) x=-x; } inline void read(char *s) { char ch=gc(); for (; blank(ch); ch=gc()); for (; not blank(ch); ch=gc()) *s++=ch; *s=0; } inline void readln(char *s) { char c = gc(); while((c&&!blank(c)) || c==' ') { *(s++)=c; c = gc(); } } inline void readln(string &res, int reserve=0) { char c = gc(); res.reserve(reserve); while((c&&!blank(c)) || c==' ') { res.push_back(c); c = gc(); } } inline void read(char &c) { for (c=gc(); blank(c); c=gc()); } inline void read(string &s){ string().swap(s); char ch=gc(); for (; blank(ch); ch=gc()); for (; not blank(ch); ch=gc()) s.push_back(ch); } template <class T,class... Types> inline void read(T &x,Types &...args){ read(x); read(args...); } template <class T> inline void scan(const T &x) { read(*x); } template <class T,class ...Types> inline void scan(const T &x,const Types &...args) { read(*x); scan(args...); } inline void push(const char &c) { #ifdef USE_FREAD if (pp-pbuf==MAXSIZE) sync(); *pp++=c; #endif #ifndef USE_FREAD putchar(c); #endif } inline void write(const double x) { #ifdef USE_FREAD if (pp-pbuf>=MAXSIZE-MAX_ITEM_SZ) sync(); pp += sprintf(pp, doubleFormat, x); #endif #ifndef USE_FREAD printf(doubleFormat, x); #endif } inline void write(const float x) { #ifdef USE_FREAD if (pp-pbuf>=MAXSIZE-MAX_ITEM_SZ) sync(); #endif #ifndef USE_FREAD printf(floatFormat, x); #endif } inline void write(const char c) { push(c); } inline void write(const string &s){ for (auto i:s) push(i); } inline void write(const char *s){ for (; *s; ++s) push(*s); } template <class T> inline void write(T x) { if (x<0) x=-x,push('-'); static char sta[40]; int top=0; do { sta[top++]=x%10^48,x/=10; } while (x); while (top) push(sta[--top]); } template <class T,class... Types> inline void write(const T &x,const Types &...args){ write(x); write(' '); write(args...); } template <class... Types> inline void writeln(const Types &...args){ write(args...); write('\n'); } template<class T=int> inline T get() { T x; read(x); return x; } // 流式输入输出 template <class T> inline IO& operator>>(T&x) { read(x); return *this; } template <class T> inline IO& operator<<(const T&x) { write(x); return *this; } }; IO #ifdef USE_FREAD <1048576> #endif io; const char endl[] = "\n"; } using namespace lib;
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