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''' ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-11-21 ---------------------------------------------------- Statement (del list) 動作 Expression (value, address, () ) 運算 見括弧先運算 ---------------------------------------------------- 20241123 ---------------------------------------------------- pyenv -ls -l -versions -intall -l -V ~workon project anaconda build --> Python version for diff CPU ---------------------------------------------------- JS engine Server(software) -------- abc.com ----- request ------------------ Value | brower | -------> | DNS | -------> | URL Pattern | Expression ------------------------------------- -------- Domain ----- | / root/index |-->fx()-----> | Value | ^ | /about |-->fx()-----> | Place Holder | | | / Products/small |-->fx()-----> | db Server ------------>hmtl context | | | 404 | ------------------------------------- | ------------------ || | endpoint \/ | ---------------- | response | html 文字 | -<-------------------------------<-------------------------------<-| css 排版, 化裝 | | js 動態 | | media | ---------------- URL = RESTFUL API ---------------------------------------------------- ASW App Server, Media Server, DB server ---------- | | | | <-- Service ID, share CPU, RAM, Storage ---------- | | | | ---------- | | | | ---------- ---------------------------------------------------- Server Backend Front End ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- | JAVA (big enterprise) --> Sprint Boot | | home About | | c++ ( replace by Rust ) --> .Net Asp | |------------| | Python --> Django, Flask | html | | | Rusy (澳洲) --> Rail |--> css --> | | | J.S. --> Node JS --> Next JS --> T3 | js | | | mean, Mern, Mevn | |------------| | PHP --> larave | | footer | ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------| PHP --> XAMP (Linux) WAMP (Windows) ---------------------------------------------------- Pythono --> Interpreter --> Byte Code ----> Cpython VM --> Machine Code (referance table) Files ( __PYC__, __.PYC ) 0 LOAD_Global 2 LOAD_Const 4 CallFuncion 6 pop_Top ---------------------------------------------------- client server REACT DJANGO ANGULAR ASP.NET CORED VUE EXPRESS The compiling Steps of Cpython 1. Installation 2. Parse tree and abstract syntax generation 3. lexer tokens parse syntax tree '400 + 300' -----> 400+300 ------> expression num parse sum (400+300) 4. Byte Code Generation & Optimization 5. Code object Generation & Optimization source code(.py files) --> byte code(.pyc files) --> platform (parent, low level) ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-11-25 ---------------------------------------------------- UML 統一塑模語言(英語:Unified Modeling Language,縮寫UML) --- structural UML diagram 1.Class diagram 2.Object diagram 3.Composite Structure diagram 4.Deployment 5.Package diagram 6.Profit diagram 7.State diagram 8.Sequence diagram (user flow) 類圖(Class Diagram) 構件圖(Component diagram) 複合結構圖(Composite structure diagram) 部署圖(Deployment diagram) 物件圖(Object diagram) 套件圖(Package diagram) django x.2 (confirm version) integer (counting system) float (application system) 1. mutable(change) - [], {} data--> 2. immutable(replace) - 1, 'a', 1.0, true/false 0.1, 0.3... = infinite number Python ====== a. Numbers 1. Integral------> Integers-->Booleans(python~ True=1, False=0) 2. Non-Integral--> Floats(c double), Complex, Decimals, Fractions Python 的虛數 j Fractions Python dynamtic data type b. Collections---> Sequences--> Mutable --> Lists Imutable --> Tuples, Strings Sets --> Mutable --> Sets Imutable --> Fronzen Sets Mappings --> Dictionaries c. Callable d. Singletons --> None https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27949510/django-float-field-input homework = forms.FloatField( required=False, max_value=10, min_value=0, widget=forms.NumberInput( attrs={'id': 'form_homework', 'step': "0.01"} ) ) Float vs Decimal in Python (Fractions) https://www.laac.dev/blog/float-vs-decimal-python/ ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-11-26 ---------------------------------------------------- Python operator --> function() x>0 = x.__gt__(0) x+1 = x.__add__(1) iterable list, str, tuple a[1] = a.__getitem__(1) # get item a = [1, 2, 3] for x in a: print(x) dict, file objects, a['a'] = a.__iter__() # get key a = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} for x in a: print(x, a[x]) ---------------------------------------------------- Python (collections of data)ython 1. List[][] (Changeable) len(list), thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] thislist.append("orange") thislist.insert(1, "orange") thislist.extend(tropical) thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] thistuple = ("kiwi", "orange") thislist.extend(thistuple) Remove a random item by using the pop() method: thisset.remove("banana") remove(), discard(), thislist.pop(1)), del list for x in thislist: print(x) for i in range(len(thislist)): print(thislist[i]) print(x) for x in thislist fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"] newlist = [] for x in fruits: if "a" in x: newlist.append(x) print(newlist) newlist = [expression for item in iterable if condition == True] The return value is a new list, leaving the old list unchanged. fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"] newlist = [x for x in fruits if "a" in x] print(newlist) newlist = [x for x in range(10)] newlist = [x for x in range(10) if x < 5] newlist = [x.upper() for x in fruits] fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"] newlist = [x if x != "banana" else "orange" for x in fruits] print(newlist) thislist.sort(), thislist.sort(reverse = True) thislist.sort(key = str.lower) thislist.reverse() Copy Lists mylist = thislist.copy() mylist = list(thislist) mylist = thislist[:] Join Two Lists 1. list3 = list1 + list2 2. for x in list2: list1.append(x) 3. list1.extend(list2) append() Adds an element at the end of the list clear() Removes all the elements from the list copy() Returns a copy of the list count() Returns the number of elements with the specified value extend() Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list index() Returns the index of the first element with the specified value insert() Adds an element at the specified position pop() Removes the element at the specified position remove() Removes the item with the specified value reverse() Reverses the order of the list sort() Sorts the list 2. Tuple , ()() -- single intruction(1 byte) -- run speed fastest (Unchangeable) len(tuple) a = 1, 2, 3, [1,2,3] a[3][1]=10 print(a) a = 1, 2, 3, [1,10,3] 3. Set{} (Unchangeable, Duplicates Not Allowed, ramdom order) len(set), 4. Dictionary{key1:value1, key2:value2, } (Changeable, Duplicates Not Allowed) len(dict), thisdict = { "brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964 } thisdict["color"] = "red" Order Dictionary{} ---------------------------------------------------- import keyword print(keyword.kwlist) print(sorted(keyword.kwlist)) ['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield'] ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-11-27 ---------------------------------------------------- https://myapollo.com.tw/blog/python-iterable-iterator-generator/ help(__name__) ---------------------------------------------------- 換行 '\' comment docstrings # longstrings ''' ''' ' this is a \ long string ' ''' this is a \ long string ''' ---------------------------------------------------- , is operator ---------------------------------------------------- def a(): --| x=1 | <--- Code Block y=2 | z=3 --| || \/ ram mark a address || \/ reference table a(fx)(address) id(a) = a = address hex() ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-11-28 ---------------------------------------------------- functional programming cpython's stack =============== call stack ------> a() (回郵地址) ev stack ------> 1+1 block stack ------> def a(): BigInt data type Python Integer no limit def a(x, y, z=3): Arguments(Varibles) a(1, 2, 3) Parameters(Values) ---------------------------------------------------- def a(x): print(x) print(hex(id(x))) x() print('i am from function a') def b(): print('i am from function b') a(b) result ====== <function b at 0x79fa7f3247c0> 0x79fa7f3247c0 i am from function b i am from function a ---------------------------------------------------- def a(x): print(x) print(hex(id(x))) x() print('i am from function a') return x def b(): print('i am from function b') return b a(b)()()() result ====== <function b at 0x7840b4e3c7c0> 0x7840b4e3c7c0 i am from function b i am from function a i am from function b i am from function b i am from function b ---------------------------------------------------- def b(): print('i am from function b') return a def a(x=b): print(x) print(hex(id(x))) x() print('i am from function a') return x a(b)()()() result ====== <function b at 0x735f5fbc4540> 0x735f5fbc4540 i am from function b i am from function a i am from function b <function b at 0x735f5fbc4540> 0x735f5fbc4540 i am from function b i am from function a i am from function b ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-11-29 ---------------------------------------------------- def a(w, x, y, z): return x+y (return address) i = a(1, 2, 3, 4) ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-12-02 ---------------------------------------------------- functional programming parse 解析 (1) interpreter .py --> bytecode --> vm runtime(browser - chrome, edge...) (2) complier .py --> bytecode + lib code --> make --> exe ---------------------------------------------------- JIT - just in time ---------------------------------------------------- def c(): pass def b(): pass def a(): y=1 if y>0: a(b) else: a(c) ---------------------------------------------------- default if ignore - return None ******************************* x = print('x') print(x) result: x None def a(): result = 1 return result globle varible (address) ---------------------------------------------------- when run a(1) def a(x): reference table ram block stack(2) ---------- a 0x100 0x100 y=1 x = 1 |y = 1 |code block z 0x200 print(z) y = 1 |print(z)| 0x200 4 print(z) ---------- 0x300 1 reference table(2) z=4 x 0x300 a(1) y 0x300 z 0x200 def a(x): y = 1 print(id(z)) z = 4 print(id(z)) z = 5 print(id(z)) a(1) print(z) result ====== 131722533864744 131722533864776 131722533864776 5 ---------------------------------------------------- def a(): print('i am from function a') return b def b(): print('i am from function b') return a a()()()() result ------ i am from function a i am from function b i am from function a i am from function b ---------------------------------------------------- def a(): print('i am from function a') def b(): print('i am from function b') c = b, b = 10 return c a()[0]() result ------ i am from function a i am from function b ---------------------------------------------------- Python Closure ---------------------------------------------------- https://dboyliao.medium.com/%E8%81%8A%E8%81%8A-python-closure-ebd63ff0146f ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM9IO3FCULQ ---------------------------------------------------- if exp : code block elif exp : code block else: code block while exp : code block controller (x-=1) break continue else: for i in []: break range(slice) slice = python data object ( start[default=0], ending-1, step[default=1]) yield , last value + step ---------------------------------------------------- # Import math Library import math # Return the square root of different numbers print (math.sqrt(9)) print (math.sqrt(25)) print (math.sqrt(16)) sqrt(result) * 1 ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-12-03 ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- Python Iterators slice <class 'range'> range(slice) slice = python data object ( start[default=0], ending-1, step[default=1]) yield , last value + step lst[s:end-1:step] list[::] # default = [0:len(lst):1] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 list=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 0 1 2 3 4 abs(-5)+0 = abs(-4)+1 = abs(-3)+2 = abs(-2)+3 = abs(-1)+4 = 5 (len) i, j [i:j:+step] if i, j > len(lst) then i, j = len(lst) i is missing i=0, if j is missing j=len(lst) if i, j < 0 i,j=max(0, len(lst)+i,j) [i:j:-step] if i, j > len(lst) then i, j = len(lst) - 1 if i, j < 0 i,j=max(-1, len(lst)+i,j) i is missing i=len(lst)-1, if j is missing j =0 ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-12-04 ---------------------------------------------------- https://zealdocs.org/ print(globals()) lst = [1,3,5,10,...650000] l1 = [i for i in range(0, 65000) if not i%2] ---------------------------------------------------- m, n =5, 5 l1 = [[i,j] for i in range(0, m) if not i%2 for j in range(0, n) if j%2] print(l1) def temp(): tmp=[] for i in range(m): if i%2: for j in range(n): if not (j%2): tmp.append([i,j]) ---------------------------------------------------- # ternary if x = 1 if x > 0: x = x +1 else: x = x - 1 print(x) x=1 x = x + 1 if x >0 else x -1 print(x) ---------------------------------------------------- lambda z = lambda x,y : x + y # js, arrow function, z = (x,y) => x + y result = z(1,2) print(result) dictionary (hashing) constant(key) : value 'str' int (,) for location, population in location_data.items(): city, country = location print(f'The population of {city} in {country} in {population}.') ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-12-05 ---------------------------------------------------- Django I18N (translate) linux 24 python 3.9.13 php 8.3.12 semantics! ---------- x = 10 def my_func(a, b): y = 'a' # code here my func(x, y) module scope function scope x --> 0x100 10 <-- a y --> 0x200 'a' <-- b ---------------------------------------------------- everything in python is object class --> object class Person: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def __str__(self): return f"{self.name}({self.age})" p1 = Person("John", 36) print(p1.name) print(p1.age) ---------------------------------------------------- class toy: head = 'blue' body = 'blue' def jump(self, x): # self = object (toy1) print('toy is running', x) print('self', self) toy1 = toy() toy2 = toy() print(toy1.head, toy1.body) toy1.jump(1) toy2.jump(2) print(toy1, toy1.jump) print(toy2, toy2.jump) result ------ blue blue toy is running 1 self <__main__.toy object at 0x73308ef94c90> toy is running 2 self <__main__.toy object at 0x73308ef94d90> <__main__.toy object at 0x73308ef94c90> <bound method toy.jump of <__main__.toy object at 0x73308ef94c90>> <__main__.toy object at 0x73308ef94d90> <bound method toy.jump of <__main__.toy object at 0x73308ef94d90>> https://tailwindcss.com/ django 4.2, 5.2, (work version) PostgreSQL - pgAdmin Ubuntu https://www.kwchang0831.dev/dev-env/ubuntu/oh-my-zsh Zsh Oh My Zsh Powerlevel10k 主題 zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting Zsh-z tmux remote control $me, #you vim editor CSS Abbreviations - Emmet Documentation ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-12-06 ---------------------------------------------------- class Toy: head = 'blue' body = 'blue' def jump(self, x): # def jump is medthod(obj) print('toy is running', self.head) # self = object (toy1) address print('self', self) toy1 < Toy.head > < Toy.body > toy1.jump() = Toy.jump(obj=self) | ^ |---------------------| print('a==b', a == b) # compare value print('a is b', a is b) # compare address #The dir() function returns all properties and methods of the specified object, without the values. print(dir(toy1)) = list all attrib & method meta-class -->build-->class linux termainal simulation -------------------------- https://www.terminaltemple.com/ https://www.tutorialspoint.com/linux_terminal_online.php https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/linux-commands https://blog.techbridge.cc/2017/12/23/linux-commnd-line-tutorial/ https://docs.vultr.com/how-to-install-apache-web-server-on-ubuntu-24-04 https://ui-code.com/archives/271 https://wellstsai.com/post/ubuntu-setup/ crontab:例行性工作排程 https://ui-code.com/archives/271 DiskGenius ---------- https://unikoshardware.com/2023/10/diskgenius-disk-clone-tutorial.html DiskGenius 是一款功能強大、體積小巧的磁碟分割管理軟體,可惜免費版存在一些限制,無法透過內建的系統遷移功能轉移 UEFI 系統, 但筆者測試可以用磁碟對拷功能 (複製磁碟) 進行轉移,接下來為大家示範如何操作,讓你以免費版功能達到付費版效果, 完成換 SSD 免重灌 Windows 系統。 arguments *args (Non-Keyword Arguments) def a(x, *args): args = (, ) turple **kwargs (Keyword Arguments) def a(x,**kwargs): kwargs = {key:value,} dict Jinja is a fast, expressive, extensible templating engine. Special placeholders in the template allow writing code similar to Python syntax. Then the template is passed data to render the final document. {varible} print(globals()) print(__name__) ---------------------------------------------------- 2024-12-09 ---------------------------------------------------- https://ivonblog.com/posts/ventoy-linux-installation/ Check Network Manager sudo systemctl status NetworkManager 1) sudo apt update # sudo apt clean sudo apt upgrade sudo apt dist-upgrade 2) echo $SHELL chsh -s /bin/zsh #change to /bin/zsh sudo apt install zsh sudo apt install git git --version chsh -s /path/to/zsh chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh reboot 3) https://ohmyz.sh/#install Install oh-my-zsh now install on-my-zsh via wget in terminal sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)" sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh -O -)" select (2) app center 4) chromium 5) vscode code . (Yes, I trust the authors) auto close tag auto rename tag better comments bootstrap 4, font code spell checker color highlight css peek django v1.15.0 html boilerplate html css support image preview indent-rainbow live server prettier - code formatter print pylance python debugger vscode-icons v12.9.0 ***electron mac - command-shift-p >path nerdfonts.com homebrew '''
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